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macrumors G3
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
The grandkids call me Papa. I’ve been around tech for years. Previous hangouts include the AT&T forums, BlackBerry Forums and most recently TiPb/iMore.

I'm recently retired... previously, by day I worked as a systems programmer for a major financial organization. When I am not working I am hanging out with my wife and family - a blended family of 6 adult kids (all married) and 17 grand kids.

I am "tech support for my friends and family", and enjoy learning and sharing info about all things Apple.
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macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Nice to see ya over here!

They call me Fausty. I’ve been around tech for years. Previous hangouts include the AT&T forums, BlackBerry Forums and most recently TiPb/iMore.

By day I work as a systems programmer for a major financial organization. When I am not working I am hanging out with my wife and family - a blended family of 6 adult kids (all married) and 16 grand kids.

I am "tech support for my friends and family", and enjoy learning and sharing info about all things Apple.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 12, 2014
Howdy folks thanks for having me...
Always reminds me of that Groucho Marx joke about "I refuse to be a member of any club that would have me as a member":D

My beginnings come from playing with mic setups to get better recordings of our band to "pro"(lol) cassette deck in the mid 70s, building Heathkits and blowing them up etc., to working my way up into the NY music/studio scene in the 80s-90s.
From all the great rooms and wonderful people, analog and tubes to the day that tubes were "old technology" and cheap, to today's wild prices.
Began working with Pro Tools when it was called Sound Designer I, and it was very high tech for back then, but boy did it have a lot of limitations.

Did a lot of teching over the years, built some rooms, wired or rewired a bunch of em, and now we stuffed it all into a couple of little boxes.

Running a Pro Tools HD Native rig on a Mac Pro Quad Core.
Everything breaks out into a small rack with an Omni, a Lynx, and a few more goodies to get things done.

Watching the landscape grow, erode and rebuild into a totally different vista over all these years has been quite a show.

It will be very interesting to see how it evolves during the rest of my years, and wondering where it will go from there.

The best to all and may the elusive become definitive,

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macrumors newbie
Aug 19, 2014
Hi, new member

Hi, my name is Davor and I'm a media buyer from Serbia. I have great passion for smartphones and the vast amount of apps they provide. Since I am a new member of this community I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Thank you all for having me and I'm looking forward to exchange experiences and knowledge with all of you.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2011
I've been interested in digital audio since i was 13 or 14, with no idea of anything about music theory. I began using the "eJay" loop based software but soon i've noticed that i need more. My first composition was made with Rebirth, later with FLStudio, Reason and after that i begin using Cubase in Windows. After switching to mac, i began using Logic (from 8 express until current version). In this time i've bought an Oxygen M-Audio keyboard and later a electric guitar. I've began to explore the VST World with Guitar Rig and Komplete Synths, Battery and so on. I've bought a Audio Kontrol 1 in that time, monitors and build my very modest setup, which is:

- 2008 iMac 24 3.06Ghz, 6GB RAM
- Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 audio interface
- IK iRig portable keyboard.
- Yamaha DD65 electronic drumpad set + pad kick and hithat.
- ESI nEar 05 experience + ESI SWK10 experience as a monitor setup.
- 2 Guitars: Squier Strat custom and handmade LP Style guitar.
- Software: Logic X, Amplitube 3, Guitar Rig 4 Pro, NI Komplete Synths, IK Philarmonic, ASS Ultra Analog VA-1 & VA-2, NI Battery 3, ASS String Studio, ASS Tasmann 4....

I've just compose for hobby, I have no band. You can listen something of my creations on my Soundcloud Profile.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2015
Hello everyone!! "They" call me.. TIM and am from south dakota.. been using a mac for the last 5 years for video production in a death metal band as i was the "media guy" and would play some bizarre videos while doing sound samples and back up vocals. so now i'm just focusing on recording guitar with my 8 string using logic x and NI maschine for drums.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2014
Hey guys. My name is Cayden, and I am the drummer for a band named American Disillusion (our first album will be out February 29, 2016). I also do all the editing, mixing, and mastering and am just looking to learn as much about audio as I can. I am also a vinyl collector.


Dec 12, 2007
Hi My name is Melrose and I'm a snob about a handful of important things in life: Coffee, music, women... :D

*Hi, Melrose*

I have Beyerdynamic COP+ headphones, AKG K240 MKII, and ATH-M40x and am investigating a pair of Grado SR60e that I will mod the hell out of. I'm recently learning more about portable music as it effects sound: Headphone amps, players, and stuff like that. I currently use a combo of my iPhone 5s (for MP3s) and a Sony Discern for the good stuff.

I've been around MR for years, obvi, but only just very recently discovered this wholes section here. So, wow. I also am a member over at Head-fi. :)
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macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2015
Montreal, Ca.
Hello all, I'll present myself.

JP. I did study in audio design/recording. I was not able to find a job doing that, but it is still there, I am interested in audio production. I do play drums in a band.

In 2002, I had a pc tower with a amd duron processor, 320mb of ram, an m-audio delta 6-6 pci interface and a cracked cubase version. This is how I did start...

At some point, I wanted a software that doesn't crash just cause of my so-so system + cracked licence, so I did buy a core 2 duo iMac 20 inches, a motu 8 pre firewire interface and I found a real licence of logic 9 at a ''decent'' price for that time.

I didn't record that much on this system. but I had it...

About 5 years ago, I started to jam with a guitarist and a bassist and we did compose tracks... I sold my iMac, did buy a used macbook pro to be able to bring that to the rehearsal local and we did record some of our stuff.

My kid at some point did break my laptop, and I had to buy another laptop... I did buy a macbook air 2014, cause I don't have that much money and those are pretty decent machines. It did work for some time with my motu 8 pre and the thunderbolt to fw adaptor, but at some point there were cracks and click when recording after upgrading to el-capitan.

I did buy an Audient id14 so I can continue to use my motu 8pre preamps with the optical adat output.

So my setup is still running Logic 9, Audient id14 interface, a kit of shure PG drum kit microphones, an ''old'' akg c1000s, my drumset (not that good, some pearl, mapex and westbury parts, sabian and ziljian cymbals, a squier stratocaster, a modded gibson melody maker, a cheap tanglewood acoustic guitar, a small fender pro jr. amp, and recently I did buy a fender limited edition shortboard mustang 2015 guitar too.)

My guitarist have a nice Italia manarello guitar, the bassist play an Ibanez bass...

I do watch some of the recording revolution videos, I do like the produce like a pro you tube channel too.

But I like to just play fkin rock and roll...

For the ones that are curious about what I did record (it sounds really average/average bad I would say, it is not what I do for living and it can be ear... but at least it exist and it is there.) You can type bertrude rock on google... We do have a bandcamp.
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macrumors newbie
May 10, 2017
My name's Doug, and I'm a Mac-aholic.

Just returned to the production world after a 15 year hiatus (marriage, mortgage(s), children, adult-hood?!?).

Sank a bundle in PowerBook G4, and a Dual-Proc G5. With the little cash I had left, I grabbed the Digi 002 Rack and additional 8 I/O via the Behringer ADA8000 as a low-cost solution. Plan on upgrading to an "HD" set-up in the near future. That will come as part of a proposed studio...location scouting as we speak.

Got my first taste of production in '85 as a freshman in college. I'd enrolled in the Jazz-Studies program at Webster University (St. Louis, Missouri, USA). Found a recording studio hidden away in a separate part of campus. I stacked up the pre-req's to get into the "Engineering Class" in short order. Once I got in, I simply never left. I actually slept on the floor on a bed of Sonex and moving blankets on a regular basis.

Currently recording a variety of music projects. While I embrace technology, I pride myself on my old-school abilities; capturing sound energy traveling through the air with an assortment of microphones. There is something magical about mechanical/acoustic instruments. I see many of you have alluded to this in terms of the instruments and equipment listed in your posts. I have witnessed many younger cats "seeing the light" the first time they touch an actual Hammond Organ, or Fender Rhodes...

Let me step down off of my soap-box.
[doublepost=1494438450][/doublepost]I remember taking a class in FM-Digital synthesis in 1986, at Webster as part of my Acoustical Engineering BFA through the Conservatory (I think Steve Schenkle taught the course as an elective). As I recall there were 3 small recording studios on campus (pre-Sverdrup Bunce complex days). One was in the Thompson building on the third floor near the Moog, the other 2 were in the Media center on the second floor of the Loretto Admin building. If you were sleeping on Sonex, I'm thinking it was one of these studios. The one I recall originally had an 1" 8-track machine, but in '86 it was Elsie Voss got budget to upgrade the studio and we put in a 16 track 1" Tascam system. Ooooh! Those were great days.


macrumors newbie
May 14, 2017
HI man, my name is Justin and i am really new here. I am looking for great forum to talk and it seems that is one is having everything that i need. BTW, i used to be a guitarist for 5 years and i am quite good on it:)
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macrumors member
Mar 22, 2013
Huntsville, AL
Hey folks, HRF here.

GarageBand on iPad Air and shiny certified refurb Mid-2012 13" 2.5 I5 Unibody MBP

I'm "novice" at this now, but I'm never novice for long once I set my mind on something.

If you're up for a read, see below:


I have been a life-long jack-of-all-trades musician, but I've never been particularly good at capturing, let alone fleshing out my musical ideas. I had a childhood of singing at a rich widow's annual holiday parties for neighborhood children, eight years of public school string/orchestra groundwork and years hanging out with creative theatre/drama/chorus types.

4 years of college was not my immediate future, but I gave it a shot for a semester. At 18, I picked up a guitar for the first time and have been jamming ever since, adding other stringed instruments into the fray to varying degrees of quality.

I spent quite a bit of the mid-1990s caught up in the post-Amiga tracker scene (Scream Tracker/Fast Tracker/Impulse Tracker), all DOS-based tools for generating music. In hindsight, it seems like I was using hammer, chisels, and a stone tablet. If you've never heard of GSLINGER.MOD, you must check it out. For the technological limitations at the time, it is a quarter-century old masterpiece.

Over time, life events took most of my "spare" time away, but I found myself with freedom in my mid-30s, and I became enamored of the looping musicianship of my hometown guitarist, Keller Williams. K-Dubs led me to re-acquaint myself with a phenomenon, the Grateful Dead, I hadn't fully understood at the time I started collecting their bootlegs (well before was a thing). The idea of pro-am sound engineers standing in a field doing their best to capture a live recording that, by the very nature of the Dead, was one-of-a-kind, was a bit romantic to me. That instilled a bit of interest in the gear used for the purpose of recording.

It wasn't until my mid-30s that I had the self-confidence to play with others (own worst critic, so to speak). Both drummer and bassist were sound techs/roadies, so I picked up a little knowledge from setup and teardown from our gigs and practices. Nowadays, with family and children, I'm a family man, but still have the desire to create music. It wasn't until I toyed with Garageband on an iPad that the itch to really focus on recording as many of the ideas I still have floating through my brain.

I'd used a 15" 2015 MBP at my last job, and missed it. Logic Pro X is calling my name, but I figure I should get better at GarageBand first, AND see if I'm committed to this cause I've put in front of me.

Thanks for reading, if you made it here! What a long, strange trip it's been!
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macrumors member
Sep 11, 2018
Hello everyone here. I'm a music lover, and Apple products are definitely very good for audio.
IMHO, Apple devices are designed to be very efficient in audio, both in hardware and software.
Older Mac notebooks have optical output from their HP jacks! And that little Lightning audio adapter measures so well in audio performance (see
macOS and iOS has CoreAudio, a 32-bit audio API that is very cool for audio software developers, and already super efficient for consumer use like playback and editing casual music.
I think it's needless to say that Apple's implementation of its in-house AAC encoder is the best quality AAC encoder out there in the market.

Personally, since storage is very cheap these days, I listen to lossless music when I'm on my computer and so these wonderful audio backends from Apple are a little less useful to me since I only 'play' music, not playing games with various sound effects or editing movies that will require audio mixing software services. I use iTunes (in combo with as my library, or to play music, mostly encoded in ALAC so that I can move them conveniently to my iOS devices. I archive songs in FLAC for its checksum functionality, and sometimes encode in AAC to move to my older iPhone that served as my car's bluetooth music player, so that the phone doesn't have to encode the data from ALAC to AAC upon transmission and will last longer on battery, since iOS and my car have AAC codec for Bluetooth audio.
[doublepost=1537116238][/doublepost]Oh and my MBP sounds very good with various headphones I've tested against it. Very transparent. Thanks Cirrus Logic!

It is very competent compared to other computers. It has very audibly lower level of noise floor compared to MSI and acer laptops of my friends, although this doesn't tell anything.

The output power is sufficient for most headphones though, as it can drive my 'hard' headphones loud enough most of the times, except when playing quieter music like classical recordings etc.

On higher loads, like 250-ohm beyerdynamic DT880 or 300-ohm Sennheiser HD600, they sound as transparent as my 'reference' O2 desktop headphone amplifier. I don't hear distortion as volume goes up or maxes out on my MBP.

On very sensitive earphones, like my NuForce EDM3 or Etymotic ER4SR, the MBP does very well in terms of noise floor, barely audible.


macrumors newbie
Sep 20, 2018
I just cant resist introducing myslef ! we've come along way since the Princes Trust funded my first IBM laptop supposedly capable of recording audio ! like that worked ! midi ok .. then the magma chassis ..the scussi drives ...the pci and pcmcia slots ! crappy sounding protools ...way better Atari .. to the fab way improved 192 protools ..things are getting good the 'boom' intel macs ! no logic dongle almost seamless 'portable' audio recording ...the tragic move from Logic 9 to x and final cut to x . Frankly its been an awesome digital time to be around , yes we generally all earn way less from our compositions but the freedom we have the pot is massive there are opportunities and everything is easier save for large instititutioinal budgets . I love making music . Love Macs , to be with out a functioning system is an immediate anxiety attack unless i chose to be with out one , when they go down i realise how much of my life they are . Awesome to be here with you All . Here's to more . Bless you all . peace .


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2019
Hi I'm Cameron, and i will probably be the odd-ball here :p

I am a masters student in music composition. Since starting this degree i have really become intrested in electronic music. In my short academic experience i have used the Uni's Moog Modular, a home-built Moog, Arp 2600, Prophet 600, DrumTraks, and reel-to-reel tape decks.

As far as digital goes my current set up is my PB working with my MOTU mkI, (soon my mbox, thanks to RobotBoy :)), Peak, Logic and Max/MSP.

Mainly i work with Max, building electro-acoustic patches. Currently working on a patch that takes live input, finds the fundamental and overtones, uses the overtones and their relative amplitudes to produce FM synthesis which is recorded by pitch triggers, and then is played back by pitch triggers (which are somewhat controllable by other pitch triggers/amplitude analysis), in the end creating a quasi-beat to accompany the performer. This will be a portion of another patch that does live granular synthesis, pitch modifications, vocoding and controls 8-channel panning.

Whew...i am glad that description is over! :)

This summer i am working on that patch, a hyper-instrument, writing some acoustic compositions as well, and just finished doing a tape-piece for a dance movie. I am also intrested in getting doing some IDM music patches/live performances, but we will see how that goes over in the south, lol.

Overall, a jack of all trades, except recording. I feel fairly comfortable doing it, but thats one thing i dont mind leaving to someone else around our studio, hehe.

Hello, I m Hazlewood form Australia today I want to discuss soundbars, recently I purchased a soundbar. Although it is not up to the performance so Any one who is familier or intrested in sound bars. Help me out!

Yebot here.

I got started with DAW's at the L.A. Recording school. That's when I bought a Beige g3/300 desktop with the 17" Apple Trinitron ColorSync display. I hooked up a Digidesign AudioMedia III card and started recording away in ProTools; dabbled in Cubase too.

Since then I upgraded to the Digi001 and loaded that into a quicksilver g4/733 which I use currently. ProTools has been a great friend but right now I'm getting into Logic and having a ball. I'm looking into upgrading to the M-Audio or Presonus line of breakouts.

I play in a band call Life On Mercury (see sig.)

later ...
Hello, I recently purchased a soundbar which is specifically working very good & best. All i needed is how to fix sound bat and the low roof which was constructed was a problem for me to handle. So i want to know how to fix this problem i will be treated if my problem was solved.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2014
I don't like talking about myself if you gotta know.
I am a video game design/computer science student at the University of Utah soon.
I use various Mac products (but love my Surface Book 2 15) ranging from a 2018 MacBook Pro to iPad Pro.

I am a hardcore audiophile and more active on the Head-Fi forum than hear honestly. I use Audeze products mostly for my detailed listening sessions and my main load out is my Audeze LCD-2CB's.

I stare at folks with Bose and Beats and often wonder how much they are missing out on the pleasures of music.


macrumors newbie
Jul 9, 2019
Hey everyone, I'm Jango and love headsets. Moreover i'm also interested in audio accessories and mostly end up reading tons of reviews about new-releases. That's a brief int ;)


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2019
Did I just forget to create an introduction?
Hey guys, I am a newbie and is a fan of Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2019
Hey there I'm Oliver and I use Logic Pro to create special song edits whenever a featured artist or parts of a song doesn't suit me :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2019
the little one calls me "daddy" and I have been around the block for some time - started with Cubase on Atari and since kept close to the scene - had a few releases but mainly do it for the fun of it, tinkering with sounds, be creative etc ... I use Logic, Ableton, a lot of NI stuff (Maschine, Jam, KompleteKontrol and software), plugins I dont dear to count how much I have spent on all of them as well as different sort of hardware I constantly find myself in need to buy :) recent additions MPC Force/MPC Live ... well so it goes ..


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2005
Hi, I'm NTLMAN, originally from the midwest, and now out on the west coast. I used to play in bands in the 00s, but now just enjoy playing and recording covers and originals for myself. My home setup is just a 2015 Mac Mini with M-AUDIO USB MIDI interface, Garageband, and various guitars/amps.

I have always been a budding audiophile, buying my first Monster cables to go with my first CD player I ever bought in high school. I recently have been enjoying listening to music via external DACs, first with a Dragonfly Black, and now a Fiio K3. I listen via a pair of wired Status Audio CB-1 headphones.

Excited to join this sub-group and read/post comments!


macrumors newbie
Oct 29, 2019
G'day Im an Aussie Mac user since there was a MAC to use had Amigas before that and the mac is closest to them. Still not as good but more money behind them and PCs are for nerds ...... :)

IphoneSE, Ipad4, and Imac , I use unity , blender and garageband for 3d VR and game development , was a devoted photoshop user before they got greedy and when to a monthly rip off model , now use sketchbook and range of other programs .

I also play games on them mac and was using Sennheiser Headset ( no model number on them) for comms and skype but since "upgrading" to 10.14.5 the headset no longer works . What did they do and how can I get around it without forking out for new headsets , as they still work fine ?

Can I sue mac for losses due to this force redundancy of hardware...... So much waist of both time and resources keeping up with these mega rich companies.

PS.. I do have a PC hiding away for testing, but its not on much, LOL .
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