I was grateful. My Swype issue has been resolved. No more grey squares where keyboard should be. I got the grey keyboard on all third party keyboards, tried about 3 of them.
I was grateful. My Swype issue has been resolved. No more grey squares where keyboard should be. I got the grey keyboard on all third party keyboards, tried about 3 of them.
Did you get that issue sporadically or all the time? I've had that issue only in WhatsApp and some other apps, but other apps work perfectly fine with Swype. It'll take a few tries before the keyboard shows again.
Did you get that issue sporadically or all the time? I've had that issue only in WhatsApp and some other apps, but other apps work perfectly fine with Swype. It'll take a few tries before the keyboard shows again.
Yeah, Beta 4 seems to have solved or at least drastically reduced my issue. I went in and out of the apps I use regularly that were affected and they never showed the grey block where the keyboard should have been. As for the getting stuck on the number and symbol page bug, I have yet to experience that one either but even if it's not fixed it's easier to deal with.
Do you mean you don't receive them or you simply don't see a banner/alert appear over the call (while the notification still comes in and can be seen in Notification Center, for example)?
A little late in my response here, better than never... I'm referring to the latter of what you said.
If the device is on an active call and locked, the device may vibrate and light up, but no banner/alert is shown.... You would see this alert in the Notification Center.