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Running very smoothly on my 6. No lag. No crashes.

One issue I'm having is that both the weather channel widget and apple weather widget work when the phone is locked, but they're blank when the phone is unlocked when I use the pull down feature to reach the widgets.

Then there's the music app. Don't get me started on that. I downloaded an alternative for that.

I do hope that we'll get a long press to clear all notifications since we don't have 3D Touch.

Happy here overall.
The performance is fine.

The main differences are with ui. The grey notifications aren't as easy to read and feel a little bloated. Then there is the music app change, not the finest hour.

Off the top of my head, the only thing that is 'better' is the messaging features, if you're that way inclined which I'm not. If I was being cynical, I'd say ios10 is a design release that allows Apple to make iOS 11 seem like it's great by comparison.

As I said, performing well for me
Contrary to what I said previously, I downgraded to iOS 9 today. There were four reasons:
- camera freeze glitch
- not enough snooze options for reminders
- laggy animation when switching windows
- no useful features in iOS 10

I am now confident that I prefer iOS 9 on my iPhone 6 (and iPad Air 2).

PS If you wish to downgrade, hurry up while the iOS 9 files are still signed.
Having been back with iOS 9 for a day, I'm positively happier this way. Most animations run at a higher frame rate, which is most noticeable with app switching. I'm actually surprised this animation was so jerky in iOS 10... I'm not even sure what changed to make it more demanding in terms of computing power. It didn't seem any more high-res in iOS 10...
I reinstalled 9.3.5 on my iPhone 6 because I was getting awful battery life on iOS 10. In addition, I was having Bluetooth disconnections with my car audio, where Bluetooth was rock solid with 9.3.5. The only problem I have now is that I get a message almost every day to "upgrade" to iOS 10.
Pffffff, so many different experiences, I am extremely satisfied with IOS 10. Everything works perfectly. Battery, about two days (I am a moderate user). So, no complaints so far.
It will just download it again.
It does not on my devices.
Pffffff, so many different experiences, I am extremely satisfied with IOS 10. Everything works perfectly. Battery, about two days (I am a moderate user). So, no complaints so far.
I can ruin it for you :) Just double click the home button and swipe app windows left and right. <20 FPS
It does not on my devices.
I can ruin it for you :) Just double click the home button and swipe app windows left and right. <20 FPS
hmmmm, tried very hard, still no problems...
Both battery life and performance of my iphone 6 plus is decreased than ios 9. So, My experience is that it's not better than ios 9 and Worst than ios 8....
hmmmm, tried very hard, still no problems...
Then there must have been something wrong with my installation. Overview of opened apps was noticeably jerky. On iOS 9 its very smooth, zero lags.
I have a iPhone 5s, 6s , and my iPad all on the latest ios 10 beta and I couldn't be happier.
I've had iOS 10 on my iPhone 6 about a week now. And it's been brilliant. A little lag here and there nothing major. And battery has improved too. So overall happy.
iOS10 is running really well on my iPhone 6. I'm very impressed with the performance considering it's just been released, as smooth if not more so than iOS9. There are some very welcome UI improvements too.
Lock screen has the wrong resolution, everything is to big. When unlocked its the right resolution. Quite irritating. Anyone else have the same issue?

This seems to be on purpose i.e to see info such as time in bigger font when on lock screen. As others noted above it’s been since iOS 9, though seems slightly more notable now. Not bothered tbh. Just miss music controls on lock screen and in control centre.
This seems to be on purpose i.e to see info such as time in bigger font when on lock screen. As others noted above it’s been since iOS 9, though seems slightly more notable now. Not bothered tbh. Just miss music controls on lock screen and in control centre.
Aren't those still there on the lock screen and control center?
This seems to be on purpose i.e to see info such as time in bigger font when on lock screen. As others noted above it’s been since iOS 9, though seems slightly more notable now. Not bothered tbh. Just miss music controls on lock screen and in control centre.

These controls are still available in the control center if you swipe left.
My 6 Plus was suffering some considerable laginess, not so much in general scrolling, but for example, when responding to a text notification, I would swipe down and the message bubble would appear and I would have to wait a couple seconds for it to load. If I try to type too quick, the application wold crash and I would be dumped back to the home screen. Overall it didn't run horrible, but the iPhone 7 plus completely fixed any issues I was having on the 6 plus
I reinstalled 9.3.5 on my iPhone 6 because I was getting awful battery life on iOS 10. In addition, I was having Bluetooth disconnections with my car audio, where Bluetooth was rock solid with 9.3.5. The only problem I have now is that I get a message almost every day to "upgrade" to iOS 10.

The real solution here is to download a tvOS beta profile on your iPhone which, as I understand, would make your iPhone think itself is an apple tv and never retrieve iOS update again. Here is a guidance on doing this,
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