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macrumors member
Sep 22, 2017
It is not a bug. With the new iPhone X releasing that’s what the keyboard is, it’s in their “safe area”


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2007
I'm guessing we're stuck with this stupid keyboard then. I keep hitting the voice recorder button which is very bloody frustrating.

I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in an iOS release. This is dreadful.

Absolutely in the same boat as you. I also keep hitting the damn voice button!!! What a stupid choice to put it there under the backspace key and beside the intro key!

I agree it is very frustrating, I keep hitting the emoji/language button instead instead of the number button.

I can’t believe Apple took away a feature that was useful to so many.

Apple has really screw us up removing this feature. It should be optional to continue using the iOS 10 landscape keyboard.

The new keyboard is much better. The last one was confusing and most people didn't understand that the buttons did.

Most people didn't understand???? What are you talking about?? How can you make this statement? Have you run a survey involving "most people" using iPhones? I have not come to any user complaining that they were "confused" by the very helpful buttons on the landscape keyboard.

If this was done for the X then they have really screwed it up. Fu*ing X I hate it. Its layout with the hideous "lip" at the top is horrendous, and it's already damaging things that worked wonderfully for other iPhone users. I know already several long time iPhone users that for the first time have had enough and have jumped boat to Samsung. Apple thinks that all their users are going to follow them like sheep but people react to this kind of treatment. The sales of the iPhone 8 have been lackluster until now, first time there are no queue lines for getting a new iPhone.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2017
The keyboard now has a giant blank spot on the left and right sides. It used to have arrow keys, a button to hide the keyboard, basic formatting functions and other very useful features. Now they seem to be throwing all of that space away. Seems like a terrible decision to me. I'm quite surprised there are not a bunch of threads about it. Am I the only one annoyed by it's absence?

It is SO BAD I can barely even reply. Somebody needs to be fired
For this. I have chucked this POS phone half a dozen times as entering text is near impossible!!!!! What IDIOT thought this was good? Where is the period? Where is the comma? The arrow keys? Why are keys so tiny? Why is the space bar so small and return key so tiny butted up next to it. This is why iPhone is slowly dying against the competitors. Did anybody actually try this garbage out before signing off on it? You are by no means alone.. everybody I have talked with is livid!
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macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2017
What happened to the sideline buttons present on iOS 10 when typing on landscape on an iPhone on iOS 11?
A lot of space is lost and those button provided a good experience.

You don’t need that stuff anyways. The trend is
Have you tried using 3D Touch on the keyboard to move the cursor around?

On some websites, the text entry window hides your text and the cursor move doesn’t always work. The arrow keys are a godsend for fast typists. Especially when you only need to make corrections nearby. The landscape keyboard is useless. The return key is where the right part of the space bar used to be! They had it so nearly perfected and now this.
I was just defending 's business decision.

I agree it must sucks for the few of you, but being an Apple fan has always been about adapting your workflows to fit Apple's vision.
It is about as good of business decision as yahoo rejecting google’s search engine years ago. The new keyboard is useless to people that can type fast. The old one was optimized and quite efficient. Now I keep hitting the return button as it sits where the space bar used to be. Rotary dial with a stylus is about as efficient as what they have now for landscape mode. I don’t get excited having to perform 3-5 operations to enter a single period at the end of each sentence. Imagine waking up to a big square steering wheel in your car and being told “adapt to it”.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
If it’s for the iPhone X then they should make that an exclusive thing for that software build. They could make it possible for the 8+/8 and so on to have the old keyboard back
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macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
I would have placed money on this being a bug. I said it was probably a bug in the first page and I am completely shocked. I used the side buttons quite frequently and I still attempt to do it out of habit. I am truly shocked Apple would leave that much emptiness. It’s not very Apple. It just looks bad.


macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2009
It is about as good of business decision as yahoo rejecting google’s search engine years ago. The new keyboard is useless to people that can type fast. The old one was optimized and quite efficient. Now I keep hitting the return button as it sits where the space bar used to be. Rotary dial with a stylus is about as efficient as what they have now for landscape mode. I don’t get excited having to perform 3-5 operations to enter a single period at the end of each sentence. Imagine waking up to a big square steering wheel in your car and being told “adapt to it”.
For years Apple have pushed for pressing space two times to insert a period.
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Sep 15, 2016
Berlin, Germany
Yeah i dont get why they take out features of the other devices just to make sure something works on a touch id less and smaller device (compared to Plus). Apple certainly has the resources


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
Yeah i dont get why they take out features of the other devices just to make sure something works on a touch id less and smaller device (compared to Plus). Apple certainly has the resources

They need to just make it software specific depending on device. Similar to how you can’t enter landscape mode on a non-plus device.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
I just wanted to give a quick update. I updated to iOS 11.2 Beta 1 and the problem still exists.


macrumors 68040
Jul 16, 2014
So apple thinks it better to have emoji button visible rather than useful buttons... os for kids, atleast it seems to be so more and more on everyday... next we could have animation button for dog ears and eyes...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
So apple thinks it better to have emoji button visible rather than useful buttons... os for kids, atleast it seems to be so more and more on everyday... next we could have animation button for dog ears and eyes...

I mean several people said it’s because of the notch on the iPhone X, but I don’t see how this is true because the notch not as large as the current grey bars.


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
ok another one of my iOS 11 gripes why did they get rid of the landscape keyboard with the arrows and copy and paste on the side. They reverted to a simple keyboard when on landscape and using a plus model. I really used the arrows function a lot before.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
If someone on here has an iPhone X could you please post a screenshot of the landscape keyboard on that phone. I’m curious to see if it is because of the notch.


macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2004
Eugene, OR


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Unfortunately, this ended up being the case. :(

Yeah I know.. I made this post last month.

I would have placed money on this being a bug. I said it was probably a bug in the first page and I am completely shocked. I used the side buttons quite frequently and I still attempt to do it out of habit. I am truly shocked Apple would leave that much emptiness. It’s not very Apple. It just looks bad.

I'm shocked.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2017
Seems like this stupid keyboard are Made for iphone X and are stuck in this problem for good. Thanks apple, you ruin everything with this ios 11. Could somebody tell me how to force downgrade from ios 11 to 10 (iphone 7)?

It looks like it’s even messed up with the iPhone X


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
You know people always say “if Steve was still alive” type of comments. Well I wanna say if Steve was still alive heads would totally roll if the keyboard was released like that in his time. Programmers would be yelled at or fired.

He always believe you don’t just paint the front of the fence and leave the back unfinished... I don’t get why they took that functionality away. It must be temporary. It doesn’t make sense.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 29, 2012

This is hideous.

Basically they couldn't find a way to properly fit the full keyboard onto the iPhone X with all the extra buttons (notch is blocking), so they flank with this extra gray space beside it.

All other phones just get empty spaces, while the X gets new emoji and dictation buttons.

Great... All phones on iOS 11 gets removed functionality and suffer because of this.
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