Yeah I retract my previous “everything is okay post”. I have had to charge my phone in the middle of the day the last 3 days in a row....and I was at the beach with decent service for two of those and not using my phone.
Today was really bad, phone died at about 5 P.M., I charged it to 100%, it’s at 54% now and it’s 11.
Battery monitor is useless, says I am loosing huge chunks to an app that I have background app refresh disabled too, and I keep closing it when I use it now.
I am not going to give up on the beta or anything like that, but it is very frustrating and makes it very difficult to use the phone as I’m having to hook it in the wall and to my battery backup constantly.
Also, it randomly and regularly gets hot when I’m not doing anything. I know that’s pretty common beta fodder, but I never got much of that on the iOS 10 or 9 beta.
It is frustrating. My iphone 7+ settled back into better (certainly not great) battery life sometime in the last couple of days, after a week of awful battery life, for no reason that I can discern. The photo analysis was long done, spotlight was complete, I have neither added or removed any apps, nor reset any settings at all. It just got better and I almost find that as frustrating as it being bad in the first place