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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
i wonder if the 50% reduction in app sizes will lead to better memory management (how iOS never used to have to reload apps in the old days because of really great memory management)

If the size of the app on disk was any reflection of actually unnecessary assets being loaded in memory (and the quoted launch time improvements would seem to confirm that) then the logical conclusion would be less background app killing.
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macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
In my opinion, yes. If it’s this good for a beta 1, I’m confident iOS 13 will be faster and more fluid than iOS 12. The new quicker animations make a big difference. Great release in my eyes.


macrumors 6502
Nov 13, 2014
The YouTube videos I have seen show that 12 is faster than 13 all around.
Of course I would expect that to improve…


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2017
I made an example in the wiki (I added my post with the speed test videos).
So you can see, how easy it is to edit a wiki thread. I recommend if you find more videos on youtube in the future.

Then answer in this thread and you can link it in the first post in the wiki. If not possible or too difficult you can ask other users for help and they link it in the wiki.

So that we can all compare how the performance is like that.


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2002
I hate to resurrect this thread, but you guys who installed IOS13... does it take more space than IOS 12 did? I'm trying to figure out whether a 16GB iPhone can deal with it.
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