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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
In the meantime they manufacture in China so they can contaminate at free will. And here in the west they want to “ration” the energy to charge our phones. F them with their hypocrisy on SJW stuff while turning a blind eye on China and throwing CSAM at us. Once my Apple products are obsolete I’m changing sides.
You do what’s best for you. Apple won’t care.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2009
In the meantime they manufacture in China so they can contaminate at free will. And here in the west they want to “ration” the energy to charge our phones. F them with their hypocrisy on SJW stuff while turning a blind eye on China and throwing CSAM at us. Once my Apple products are obsolete I’m changing sides.
Meh, Google is argurably worse when it comes to the SJW stuff since they're pretty much the internet censorship arm of the democratic party.


Aug 18, 2021
Until your power goes out and your home burns, it’s not your problem, right? 😂
I have a backup standby generac generator on natural gas, again I take care of myself. brb entire block loses power for weeks, whatever I dont care. I got power. - actually happened few years back due to tornados lmao. neighbor asked to come over and stay, I said ef you dude. hes annoying. dont like em. loud car, super bright lights in backyard at night etc. dogs alwayssss barking.

I wouldn't even give him a bottle of water, let alone use my house for any reason or shelter.
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macrumors 68020
Sep 8, 2016
I have a backup standby generac generator on natural gas, again I take care of myself. brb entire block loses power for weeks, whatever I dont care. I got power. - actually happened few years back due to tornados lmao. neighbor asked to come over and stay, I said ef you dude. hes annoying. dont like em. loud car, super bright lights in backyard at night etc. dogs alwayssss barking.

I wouldn't even give him a bottle of water, let alone use my house for any reason or shelter.
Charming dude, hopefully you live in a reinforced concrete bunker underground as well.
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Mar 15, 2018
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I want my phone to charge when I tell it to charge and couldn't care less whether the grid is running on coal or unicorn tears.
That’s the dumbest thing now. Please stop complaining constantly, nobody cares about you reactionary opinion.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
Apple is giving people option to select when to charge based on when grid is supplying with green energy.
Options are better for people/customers.
It's virtue signaling nonsense. Apple doesn't have access to that level of information.

This setting is for gullible Apple fans to feel good and pat themselves on the back for 'doing their part to save the environment.'

Were you one of the same people applauding Apple for "saving the environment" by not including chargers with iPhones?


macrumors demi-god
May 1, 2010
"optimizing charging times for when the grid is using cleaner energy sources" - that sounds noble but when people can't charge their phone when it's low or empty, they're going to be very unhappy with Tim Apple. How will it even know that the source you're charging it with is renewable? What if you're using the Apple MagSafe battery pack to charge the phone? 🤔


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It's virtue signaling nonsense. Apple doesn't have access to that level of information.
Citation for above. I can’t prove that they have that type of acres and you can’t prove they don’t.
This setting is for gullible Apple fans to feel good and pat themselves on the back for 'doing their part to save the environment.'
The apple aspersers are having a field day with this, I see.
Were you one of the same people applauding Apple for "saving the environment" by not including chargers with iPhones?
Yes. It was a great move by apple. Save the environment and make more profit. Critics are going red in the face over this.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
"optimizing charging times for when the grid is using cleaner energy sources" - that sounds noble but when people can't charge their phone when it's low or empty, they're going to be very unhappy with Tim Apple.
The above is plain (stupid)hyperbole.
How will it even know that the source you're charging it with is renewable?
Why dont you ask “Tim Apple”?
What if you're using the Apple MagSafe battery pack to charge the phone? 🤔
What about it?


macrumors 68020
Sep 8, 2016
"optimizing charging times for when the grid is using cleaner energy sources" - that sounds noble but when people can't charge their phone when it's low or empty, they're going to be very unhappy with Tim Apple. How will it even know that the source you're charging it with is renewable? What if you're using the Apple MagSafe battery pack to charge the phone? 🤔
It’s an option, you can enable or disable it any time.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Sounds like the perfect environment for a VTC…. No one travels, the temp goes down by at least a degree.
It’s all politics: seen and be seen. If the world leaders physically attend, it’s relevant. Otherwise, not so much.

Besides, the part with the celebrities is just the show. There’s many thousands of people working behind the scenes on these summits, doing the actual work. They also travel around the world. But that’s just peanuts compared to the global emissions.


macrumors 68000
Jul 25, 2017
Hey people-Tim here. We build these phones in China where they can dispose of the chemical byproducts anyway they see fit. In the rivers, in the air. But hey, you can now charge your phone cleanly and sleep well at night knowing you are doing your part to save our planet! Ciao.


macrumors regular
May 26, 2009
And yet Tim Cook, Al Gore and varous famous climate activists will continue flying private jets that generate exponentially more CO2 than a zillion iPhones.
While that's a generally fair critique, it's worth pointing out that Tim Apple preferred to fly commercial and did so almost exclusively until the board made it mandatory condition of his employment that he fly private for security reasons.

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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Hey people-Tim here. We build these phones in China where they can dispose of the chemical byproducts anyway they see fit. In the rivers, in the air. But hey, you can now charge your phone cleanly and sleep well at night knowing you are doing your part to save our planet! Ciao.
At least apple is trying to do something positive, unlike all the electric and power being wasted to criticize something that is a small step in the positive direction.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
At least apple is trying to do something positive, unlike all the electric and power being wasted to criticize something that is a small step in the positive direction.
Exactly, the amount of nonsense spewed here, not held back by any lack of knowledge on the subject, is just sad. If all one does is point at a bigger issue as excuse to not take action elsewhere, nothing is ever going to change.

What a lot of people still refuse to face: we're in a climate crisis and every step helps. And nobody said this is the endpoint for Apple. It might very well be the start of a new platform or feature that will prevent a very substantial amount of carbon emissions in the future, for instance with CarPlay or Apple Car.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Can’t wait to get this, can really maximise my trumpet players that walk in front of me signalling my virtue to all those beneath me that I’m about the enter the room. In I waltz, king of the pious, a smug smile on my face that my latest iPhone has been charged up on green energy. This is vital to my self worth, my self image. For how else can I preen at my own majesty when I catch my reflection in the selfie I took to post on social media on just how conscientious I am compared to all the lower mortals around me, filth that they are.

Please, no mention of the fact that if I was truly authentic in my beliefs of caring for the planet, I wouldn’t have an iPhone, and wouldn’t be on social media, and wouldn’t be on the Internet, for lots of varied reasons that it’s best you simply ignore as that would ruin the illusion.
I’ll bet you recycle and reuse, though. And if you do , you’ve earned the right to be smug and signal your virtue like a peacock.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 8, 2019
Sydney, AU
Exactly, the amount of nonsense spewed here, not held back by any lack of knowledge on the subject, is just sad. If all one does is point at a bigger issue as excuse to do something about something else, nothing is ever going to change.

What a lot of people still refuse to face: we're in a climate crisis and every step helps. And nobody said this is the endpoint for Apple. It might very well be the start of a new platform of feature that will prevent a very substantial amount of carbon emissions in the future.
Remember that in the 70s the narrative about the climate crisis was talking about a glaciation, not rising temperature.
Follow the money not the words..

Furthermore, they predict rising water levels around the world. 100 feet of water (30 meters) would be enough to wipe out South America, England, Australia and many other places.
Now if they really thought that was the case, do you think banks would you lend money to investors to buy whole buildings on the beach front in Florida?
There are no clauses about it in the contracts with the banks.

Again.. follow the money.

Apple is just playing its part in a rigged game. This is the foundation for climate lockdowns or things as such.

I am trying my best to minimise plastic and waste in general but enough is enough at some stage.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Remember that in the 70s the narrative about the climate crisis was talking about a glaciation, not rising temperature.
Follow the money not the words..

Furthermore, they predict rising water levels around the world. 100 feet of water (30 meters) would be enough to wipe out South America, England, Australia and many other places.
Now if they really thought that was the case, do you think banks would you lend money to investors to buy whole buildings on the beach front in Florida?
There are no clauses about it in the contracts with the banks.

Again.. follow the money.

Apple is just playing its part in a rigged game. This is the foundation for climate lockdowns or things as such.

I am trying my best to minimise plastic and waste in general but enough is enough at some stage.
If I follow the money it leads to big oil. They know since the sixties climate change caused by their products would one day threaten our planet. So they did everything to minimise it. You’re still a product of that old school.

Also, there was never any mainstream research in the 70’s proclaiming a mini ice age. The overwhelming evidence and consensus on climate change today cannot be denied. You’re stuck in 2002.


Nov 3, 2014
While all the virtue signaling is going on:
Just how does my phone know when the "grid" is using "clean energy"??
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