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God bless Steve Jobs .... can only imagine what he would have to say to the engineering department the mess they have created with the Calendar app, and then saying to us .... thats how it is.....I fear the Jobs era may have truly ended ....
after all the work I have put into this thread.....
Work! All you have done is moan about things that you personally do or don't want.

You moaned about no notes section in iPhone contacts. Night Spring very kindly pointed out that there is one but you're so busy moaning that you completely ignored it.

You are just one tiny drop in an ocean of users and why you should expect Apple to genuflect to your demands just because you wrote to them is a bit egoistic! Besides, short and to the point gets results. Long and verbose never works (your first post in this thread)!!
Have you looked at Calvetica? (fast calendar & something is it's full name).

Having also got an unacceptable answer from engineering (related to a bug that stops push mail from pushing no less), I call feel your pain.

Hopefully others will take the time to complain via about the crappy new layout.

I use pocket informant, and had moved my calendar stuff off of mobile me mostly, so I haven't even looked at the ios5 calendar stuff. But I like the looks of the new Calvetica version, and I love Dialvetica, so I might look at it more!
Work! All you have done is moan about things that you personally do or don't want.

You moaned about no notes section in iPhone contacts. Night Spring very kindly pointed out that there is one but you're so busy moaning that you completely ignored it.

You are just one tiny drop in an ocean of users and why you should expect Apple to genuflect to your demands just because you wrote to them is a bit egoistic! Besides, short and to the point gets results. Long and verbose never works (your first post in this thread)!!



Have you looked at Calvetica? (fast calendar & something is it's full name).

Having also got an unacceptable answer from engineering (related to a bug that stops push mail from pushing no less), I call feel your pain.

Hopefully others will take the time to complain via about the crappy new layout.

I use pocket informant, and had moved my calendar stuff off of mobile me mostly, so I haven't even looked at the ios5 calendar stuff. But I like the looks of the new Calvetica version, and I love Dialvetica, so I might look at it more!

Hi, so how was pocket informant, can I give a layout like Week Cal HD in my pic? Also I was not sure if it worked with iCloud, or at least sync with the apple calendar app?

I tried calvetica but unfortunately if can't to the views like I had before.
Hi, so how was pocket informant, can I give a layout like Week Cal HD in my pic? Also I was not sure if it worked with iCloud, or at least sync with the apple calendar app?
The webIS website for PI has a ton of screen shots and their forums can answer any questions you might have. I don't use a visual week view like you were missing so I can really comment if it will work for you or not.

PI can write to the stock calendar now. That was added when apple opened up the calendar to other apps.

I tried calvetica but unfortunately if can't to the views like I had before.

there are a couple of new versions of the app it looks like, so do check out the latest one to see if they added what you are missing. I dont know when they were released, but i know that they weren't there when I got my phone in July.

I love their Diavetica program, let's me dial by letter like i could on my Treo!
I use Fast Calendar and Tasks (Calvetica). It does offer a continuous scrolling month or continuous scrolling week view. It also includes some nice gestures for switching back and forth between views. It seems to sync well with iCloud, Google, Echange, etc.

- Sean
Trying just to use iPhone today to run the whole show from there....first hurdle apart from form factor...making a new contact on the iPhone does not have a 'note' section like the iPad or on os x. I but important client info in there just iPhone won't do the job .... another Apple inconsistency.

It does let you.

Click the "+" as you do to create a new contact, then scroll down to the "+ add field" button, tap it, scroll down to the bottom of that list and you'll find notes there.

Not the clearest way though, they should really have notes in the main window for adding a new contact.

It does let you.

Click the "+" as you do to create a new contact, then scroll down to the "+ add field" button, tap it, scroll down to the bottom of that list and you'll find notes there.

Not the clearest way though, they should really have notes in the main window for adding a new contact.



Yes thanks, I think someone point this out earlier too, the thing is you would not have expected it to be hidden in deeper lavers the way it is, and expected it to be the same as the iPad and os x experience. But never the less its there so I have been trying to force myself to use only the iPhone now, takes about triple the time for everything, putting in new clients and scheduling, but at least I can read who my next client is.
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@OP : signed up to this board just now just to thank you for this thread and agree wholeheartedly that the Week Cal app was indispensable to me too.

It is infuriating that Apple have behaved in such a high-handed manner by pulling this app just because it shows their own version to be inferior. Its disappearance has nothing at all to do with iOS5 compatibility. They just pulled it. No other reason than they didn't like to see a better version than their own drab purple-colored POS. :mad:
@OP : signed up to this board just now just to thank you for this thread and agree wholeheartedly that the Week Cal app was indispensable to me too.

It is infuriating that Apple have behaved in such a high-handed manner by pulling this app just because it shows their own version to be inferior. Its disappearance has nothing at all to do with iOS5 compatibility. They just pulled it. No other reason than they didn't like to see a better version than their own drab purple-colored POS. :mad:

:( My iPad is now a dust collector
The OP has reasonable cause for complaint and has set out his case in a sensible way. I agree with him, and quite obviously I'm not the only one here who does.

Resorting to rudeness and name-calling in a feeble attempt to undermine him is unhelpful and disrespectful.
Every rude and offensive comment I have received here is from people who have not fully read everything, and then you just have people who like to try and undermine others to make themselves feel better about themselves.

As I said before please read everything before making comment.

Week Cal HD (which they have been waiting for Apple to re approve for MONTHS) aside for a moment, I am still perplexed why Apple are not going to do anything about the half missing fonts and tiny squashed boxes. Its like everyone is saying 'so long as there are not to many entries in your calendar everything will be fine, there are no issues'

Its unfortunate that humanity is reaching a point where, unless something causes them pain directly they feel untouched and will not only ignore it, but also try to squash them for speaking out.
Mid January and still not fixed and from what I hear is no different in 5.1
How I got by without Week Calendar HD

I was also a heavy user of Week Calendar HD, I also made several complaints to Apple about removing the one app that I relied on for every day use... Like everyone else I had no joy.
After discovering how lamentable the built in calendar was I started downloading just about every calendar and organizer I could lay my hands on, only to find out that none of them had several of the key features I needed for fast, quick and clear entries into my calendar.
One or two seemed ok, but after a few days I was left feeling that they weren't really what I was looking for.
For instance. If I add a client to my diary I select the book icon and add their name from my address book. This will automatically add their address and the appointment is highlighted in blue. But if I change the location to "work" or their college name then the colour is automatically changed to represent where they are to be met... so with a glance I can not only see who but where they are to be met.
That's just one of many examples of week calendar's convenience and speed.
So to get by I installed the IPhone version on my IPad. Ok, visually it sucks but at least I get all the functionality at 2x the size from my iPhone.
Hopefully Week Calendar HD will be back very soon. But at least I'm getting by for the moment.
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I was also a heavy user of Week Calendar HD, I also made several complaints to Apple about removing the one app that I relied on for every day use... Like everyone else I had no joy.
After discovering how lamentable the built in calendar was I started downloading just about every calendar and organizer I could lay my hands on, only to find out that none of them had several of the key features I needed for fast, quick and clear entries into my calendar.
One or two seemed ok, but after a few days I was left feeling that they weren't really what I was looking for.
For instance. If I add a client to my diary I select the book icon and add their name from my address book. This will automatically add their address and the appointment is highlighted in blue. But if I change the location to "work" or their college name then the colour is automatically changed to represent where they are to be met... so with a glance I can not only see who but where they are to be met.
That's just one of many examples of week calendar's convenience and speed.
So to get by I installed the IPhone version on my IPad. Ok, visually it sucks but at least I get all the functionality at 2x the size from my iPhone.
Hopefully Week Calendar HD will be back very soon. But at least I'm getting by for the moment.

Yep still not fixed, it seems that they are still ok with this garbage, who needs to read there calendar anyway ?
Work! All you have done is moan about things that you personally do or don't want.

You moaned about no notes section in iPhone contacts. Night Spring very kindly pointed out that there is one but you're so busy moaning that you completely ignored it.

You are just one tiny drop in an ocean of users and why you should expect Apple to genuflect to your demands just because you wrote to them is a bit egoistic! Besides, short and to the point gets results. Long and verbose never works (your first post in this thread)!!

I have to agree with this. You complained that we didn't read your thread, but please remember, on the interwebs you have about 7-10 seconds to grab the general public's attention. Keep it short and to the point.

I think you complaining about some of your problems with the native calendar app are irrelevant if it is designed that way (though missing fonts is a problem). Your real issue is that a suitable alternative was pulled from the iTunes store. For your sake, I hope this is for the best in the long term (buy out, better redesign, something else).

For everyone's sake, I'm looking forward to Apple letting us remove native apps and find replacements in the App Store. After all, this can only help generate profits for them in the long term if they do it right.
Trying just to use iPhone today to run the whole show from there....first hurdle apart from form factor...making a new contact on the iPhone does not have a 'note' section like the iPad or on os x. I but important client info in there just iPhone won't do the job .... another Apple inconsistency.

It does have a notes section - you just have to add it - use the "add field" at the bottom - hope this helps... :)


Sorry, didn't realize someone had already pointed out the note field option...

Would busy cal help? -
I have to agree with this. You complained that we didn't read your thread, but please remember, on the interwebs you have about 7-10 seconds to grab the general public's attention. Keep it short and to the point.

I think you complaining about some of your problems with the native calendar app are irrelevant if it is designed that way (though missing fonts is a problem). Your real issue is that a suitable alternative was pulled from the iTunes store. For your sake, I hope this is for the best in the long term (buy out, better redesign, something else).

For everyone's sake, I'm looking forward to Apple letting us remove native apps and find replacements in the App Store. After all, this can only help generate profits for them in the long term if they do it right.

Yes a calendar app that cant handle more than one appointment at a time is totally ok by all these people who cant handle me making a fuss about it, oh ans the half missing fonts.....yes all normal, i shouldnt expect anything better right?

I just cant believe how everyone seems to just think this is ok.

And about providing to much information about the issue ....... Please just stay out of this thread ;)
And about providing to much information about the issue ....... Please just stay out of this thread ;)

ain't this an old thread now? I thought we all moved on. Anyway I'm going to bed, but feel free to keep it going without me.
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