More often than not, the improvement suggestions that come from the peanut gallery are stupid and emit from people that want Apple to produce something that stinks of HTC or Samsung.
Apple can do many things to improve iOS, but none should involve a screen splattered with buggy widgets or a phone design that can double as a surf board.
Let me see if I got this right.
People's desires are stupid because they are not your own.
And if Apple gives people the option of widgets, everyone
must use them, thus making everyone's screen horribly ugly.
The concept of choice is really lost upon you, isn't it? At this point, it just seems you're anti-widgets because you're anti-Android.
Improvements don't even have to be in the form of widgets. There are plenty of amazing iOS concepts. Just Google a few of them. There are excellent ideas out there. Dynamic icons, or there was one recently where you could pull down on an icon and a small grid of information slides down, sort of like how folders slides down. Why not open up the notification center for more than just weather/stocks? Why not grant easier access to settings? I have iOS 6 on my iPad 3rd Gen, and honestly, the Settings menu is a bit of a mess.
And it's downright sad that it took Apple this long to figure out that users don't like getting booted out of the App Store every time they download something. How much longer will it take Apple to realize similar initiatives to make iOS more usable?
Apple's an innovative company. Let's see some ideas.
Man o man, yes. +100. Apple fans are so emotionally tied to their iPhones that's it's absolute heresy to even suggest the OS can be improved. You can't talk through that kind of fanaticism.
That's why you get idiotic statements like "Apples maps isn't so bad, just give it a few years."

So, we're all supposed to have a
worse OS experience because Apple has it in for Google. But that's ok, because it's
Apple. And it's OK to have a stagnant OS with nothing new people have been asking for, for 5 years because it's
Oh, but hey, we got Facebook integration.
The worse thing is really the inconsistencies.
Some of the best examples:
At first, having a heftier phone made it feel premium. Now, being lighter than the competition is a plus.
If others try to push new ideas or technologies, they are fools because they're unnecessary or gimmicky or not ready for real world use (LTE at the time, NFC, wireless charging, Smart Stay, etc.). But if Apple pushes new ideas/tech (like say Thunderbolt port?) then they're heralded as pushing the frontiers.
I mean, take a look at the reversible dock which people adore. If Samsung or whoever introduced a reversible dock, everyone would be saying "Oh please, that's so unnecessary. It's not that hard to know which side is up." I guarantee it.
The classic 3.5 inch is perfect. Now 4 is the new perfect.
Many more examples...
And you've hit the nail on the head. When dealing with people who think somebody or something can do no wrong, it's impossible to have an honest discussion.