Finished no, but not everyone is as big as Samsung and can afford billion dollar fines, or risk huge legal battles with Apple
Windows Phone 8 will be more attractive going forward because it basically gives device makers immunity from Apple and MSFT litigation, and the benefit of free marketing from MSFT. I theorize the R&D and support costs are lower as well because there is no skinning work or update headaches either.
To me Windows 8 makes sense. LG, HTC and Samsung might see it different though.
First, this won't ever effect Samsung. Every phone in question is or will be obsolete before anything ever happens. Second, this only has an effect in the U.S. and will likely be overruled by a court not in Apple's backyard or forced back to Judge Koh (like so many 9th circuit rulings are) or Judge Koh may simply toss the verdict out.
Google and Android will continue on dominating the market. Most people in the US have no idea there was a court case (the very small minority that follows this stuff are about the only ones that know anything about it) and the rest of the world doesn't care, as it has zero effect on them. If anything, this has made Samsung a more common name around the world.
Apple has a lot of dedicated followers and the new iPhone will sell well, but don't fool yourself, people get tired of seeing the same crap year after year. This is a fast moving market and Apple is moving very slow. They keep going like this and even they will see their fan base move on. Look at RIM and Nokia as prime examples of companies refusing to keep up. (And I am not saying Apple will go bankrupt. Just that their mobile phone marketshare will continue to go down and ONLY that portion of their business.)