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macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
Not sure that installs corrupt over time...on that, Channan and I would agree.

And no, Apple doesn't write code to purposely slow down older models, but at the same time they should have halted support on the iPad 2 sooner.

Part of the reason why they didn't was because of 'agreements' Apple made (either implied or otherwise) when the 2 was still actively sold to the private sector, but that's another topic altogether.

There are plenty of examples where an iOS install has to be reinstalled from recovery mode because the installation has corrupted.

They shouldn't have halted support for the iPad 2 - long support cycles are good and have allowed for many people to keep their devices which is good for consumers and also good for keeping iPads usable and thus having a positive environmental effect, however they should have allowed for downgrading for those who wanted it.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
I have a 2009 galaxy tab 7" . It Still works great. Used it daily since then as my primary communication device. I Just retired it for an iPad pro though. I Wanted a stylus. I love them both.

I'm curious what version of Android it's running. I'm guessing nowhere near the latest. Also, I'm pretty sure the first Galaxy tab 7.0 came out in late 2010, not 2009.


macrumors 68030
Dec 19, 2009
Still, it's old. Find me an Android tablet from 2011 that's held up as well. I call planned obsolescence when a device declines noticeably in like a year.

In our household, the original iPad, iPad 2 32GB and iPad 3 all are working well. Its incredible how well Apple built the machines and how good is OS is tailored. My mini2 also is preferred night time reading and playing device :)
Only Pencil support will force me to upgrade to Pro :) cause I like to draw


macrumors 6502
Nov 19, 2015
I'm curious what version of Android it's running. I'm guessing nowhere near the latest. Also, I'm pretty sure the first Galaxy tab 7.0 came out in late 2010, not 2009.

Maybe it was around then. I can't remember the exact date. Not sure what android It's running. It just worked Perfect all those years. Don't really care about the latest greatest on a communication device, as long as it works. I did flash a euro ROM to unlock the cell phone. It worked good, but I only used cellular voice while traveling. The rest of the time I just ran voice through VOIP.
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