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I had this very same problem a few years back when I went to America. The customs know what to look for. But as already mentioned they have a lot more bigger things to deal with. There's always a chance. When I went I brought back the ps3 game rock band with the whole kit (guitar, drums etc..). The box was huge. I bought a really big bag and just checked it in. Landed and just walked straight thru customs no questions but afew people did get stopped with perfume bags. I suppose if you don't flaunt it and just try to to keep it to yourself.

The last post made me laugh with the image of somebody walking through customs with a massive bag :D
Tbh if a mod want's to they can close this thread.. Theres always going to be people who think its wrong and always going to be people who encourage it.
I'll decide what to do :cool:

Edit one last question I land in Manchester airport - big on custom checks?
I think you're confusing wrong with stupid. There's a big difference .. I'm all for you sticking it to the customs man :)
Now granted I fly with a US Passport but I've carried my MacBook and iPad through customs for several countries (including UK) and the only questions thus far have been about how it works and can I demonstrate it for them. No one has ever questioned me to where I bought it.

At Schiphol, a customs agent noted I had quite a while before my outbound flight and asked if I would mind showing it off for him a couple other agents. At this time it had not been released in Europe yet. They seemed to think it would have very good security applications and be easier to carry than the laptops that they were using.
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