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Lounge Deluxe

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2009
Hi, I use the built in OS X application Screen Sharing for connecting to my Mac Mini iTunes Server with my MBP using wifi. Both machines are present in the same home network. I now want to connect to my Mac Mini from my iPad too, preferably with the same possibilities as OS X Screen Sharing offers.

Can someone recommend an app for the iPad that does all of the above with as little lag as possible? I only want to use iTunes through the remote connection, so no heavy use.


macrumors 68030
May 3, 2011
Hi, I use the built in OS X application Screen Sharing for connecting to my Mac Mini iTunes Server with my MBP using wifi. Both machines are present in the same home network. I now want to connect to my Mac Mini from my iPad too, preferably with the same possibilities as OS X Screen Sharing offers.

Can someone recommend an app for the iPad that does all of the above with as little lag as possible? I only want to use iTunes through the remote connection, so no heavy use.

There are plenty but my favourite is also free...

VNC Viewer by RealVNC
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