You have 3 options currently....i do a lot of writing using MS word . is there a way i can work on MS WORD using ipad ?
Don't think so. If i remember correctly ms said they weren't making an app for iPad. Use pages you can export and import .docx.
They did say that. Even though MS does make Bing and Messenger apps for the iPad, I'd be very surprised if they release Office for any Apple product within the next year. Two reasons. One, it would take a year to develop anyway. Two, Office is a linchpin feature of Win Phone 7 and I'm sure they are going to keep that as a competitive advantage for a while. Even though Win Phone 7 is a great looking product, they need all the help they can get to compete with the iPhone.
Don't think so. If i remember correctly ms said they weren't making an app for iPad. Use pages you can export and import .docx.
Totally different situation. When it comes to the full desktop version of Office, that division of Microsoft would be more interested in selling as many seats of Office as possible, regardless of the platform, than bolstering Windows sales through some sort of exclusive arrangement. Windows already has a huge part of the market and doesn't need any help. Besides, it wasn't long ago that Microsoft was defending themselves from claims of being a monopoly. Apple's existence actually helps them there.
When it comes to phones, on the other hand, Microsoft is making an extremely aggressive push back into the mainstream with Windows Phone 7. Apple is their chief competitor in this arena. WinPho 7 needs all the help it can get. Early demos of Office 2010 for Windows Phone look very slick and it's clear they are putting a lot of effort into it. I feel that means Office will be a linchpin feature of WinPho 7. They will plug that as a key reason to get a Windows Phone as opposed to Apple or Android. Why wouldn't they? I also expect to see Office be part of a Windows tablet push in a year or two, based on the Windows Phone OS in some form.
On the flipside, if they did sell a version of Office for the iPhone/iPad, they wouldn't be able to charge more than $20-30 for it. That's not a whole lot of cash to feed the beast that is Microsoft. So I don't see them being much motivated to give up a competitive advantage to sell low-cost mobile seats of Office.
Big companies like Microsoft are very compartmentalized and each compartment serves its own interests as best it can.
My prediction is that there's no way we will see true Office on an Apple mobile device for at least 1-2 years.
is it possible to work on pc with one doc and then open and work on it with ipad and then again open and work on it using pc...?
basically i want to work on the same doc from office (using pc) and at home (using IPAD
Ha! I guarantee they will if ipad sales hit 10-20 million+. M$ won't turn down opportunities for profit just like I'm sure we would've never imagined an Office specifically for Mac OS.
Don't think so. If i remember correctly ms said they weren't making an app for iPad. Use pages you can export and import .docx.
I agree with you that they are completely different markets but you clearly said "I'd be very surprised if they release Office for any Apple product within the next year. "
I'd called Mac OS X an Apple product.
1,000,000 sold in less than a month is nothing to sniff at and im sure that Microsoft are thinking a bit more seriously about putting out office for the iPad.
If their push back into the mobile phone space weren't so fierce, I'd agree with you. In fact, I'm sure they are thinking about it. But I believe their desire to push WinPho 7 will trump all else for a while.
Documents 2 Go when they finally have an iPad version.
Have they given and estimate on a release date?
In the next couple of weeks, they said a week ago.
It will be a universal app, so it beats QuickOffice on all counts. Footnotes are important to many users and only D2Go includes them. I have used both QO and D2Go on the iPhone, where apart from endnotes they are pretty much the same.
Pages and the other two iWork apps are some of the top selling/grossing apps at the moment in the US (So I read, I havent seen for myself as im in the UK).
If Microsoft were to release an Office suite for the iPad, the could charge what they wanted and would make a total killing. iWork is nice but 90% of people would prefer to use Microsoft stuff so they can easily create and edit .doc .xls .ppt files.
1,000,000 sold in less than a month is nothing to sniff at and im sure that Microsoft are thinking a bit more seriously about putting out office for the iPad.