Bumping this old thread rather than starting a new one. I've been super-impressed with the Microsoft RDP app on the iPad connecting to a Windows machine in my house. I haven't yet configured/tried it from outside of the house. But the usability of this is exactly what I want.
So then I tried to do the same sort of thing to connect to my MacBook Pro from my iPad and the experience has been awful. I've tried Google Remote Desktop and Splashtop (both free) and the experience has been awful. These are screensharing (not true RDP) apps, so the host Mac is left visible, whereas with the Microsoft solution locks the host PC. I don't care too much about that part of it. But when I'm looking at my MacBook screen on my iPad with Magic Keyboard and trackpad I'm not getting a mouse pointer that moves fast and accurately. And my screen resolution/fonts are a mess. If I run at full resolution, fonts are too small. If I run at lowest resolution, fonts are big enough, but are actually fuzzier and definitely not comfortable on my eyes to use. It honestly feels like more of a show-off gimmick than something anyone could possibly *USE* for productivity purposes.
I've seen recommendations of using Jump Desktop, but the iOS app costs $15 and after experiencing the above, I'm not willing to spend that and possibly/likely find out that it is also a subpar experience.
I was in the same boat not long ago and was reulctant to purchase Jump Desktop for the same reason - it would be an expensive trial run if it doesn't end up working out for me.
The thing is, I ran out of other options and felt like it would be an even bigger shame to have to scrap my remote computing/thin client setup.
So I ended up buying the JD client for iPad despite the uncertainty and I have to say it's precisely what I've been looking for. They have their own Fluid remote protocol which requires no messing around with VPNs or port opening, it just punches right through firewalls and gets you going from anywhere. You just need to install the free JD Connect app on Win/macOS to act as the server. The protocol is also better than RDP imo, as it supports 60 fps and can adaptively scale the quality based on available connection speed.
The lag is basically imperceptible as long as you're on any semi-decent connection and I usually forget I'm working remotely in about 3 seconds.
I'm a software developer and this allows me to leave my desktop PC at home to do the heavy lifting, whilst carrying the 11" iPP on the go in a slim sling bag.
When I go to the office, I just plug my iPad into a dock, launch JD on a large external monitor, use my iPad screen for auxillary apps (Teams/Zoom/mail..) and get to work.
I think this setup achieves the ultimate combination of portability and computing performance.