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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 13, 2014
Hi everyone, real first world problem here!

I have had an M1 11 inch pro since may when they were released. I have enjoyed it but found it cumbersome for reading ebooks and browsing social media compared to my phone. I since haven’t used it as much as I thought I would but use it for Netflix in bed. I don’t use the pro features but made the investment because I wanted an iPad that would last me a long time and everyone was going on about how future proof the chip and ram would be. I do enjoy using it.

Fast forward I won an iPad mini 6 at my company’s holiday party raffle. I planned on either selling it or giving it to a family member but I opened it and played with it for a bit. I absolutely love love the size. I have used it way more than I have my 11 inch and it’s just easier to hold. But the jelly scroll bothers me although I think I may be getting used to it.

I can’t justify having 2 iPads. Has anyone gone from a pro to a mini? I feel like I should keep the pro with the better specs and screen and the size I may want if I decide to go back to digital planning, I will make an effort to use it more. But I’m conflicted as the mini is just so cute and perfect to hold. But the jelly scroll on it while not impairing any use just honestly really bugs me.

What to do!
Anyone have any advice or what you would do?
I personally went from an 11 inch Pro to a mini 6, it is so much more comfortable to use for non-power user things such as internet browsing/reading/gaming. The best iPad for you is the one you’ll use, rather than the one with the best specs. Future proof specs don’t mean much if it’ll collect dust or only be used for netflix and social media browsing.

However for tasks where you sit at a desk and draw/write/type or edit (or any other “power” use), the 11 inch would be better/more comfortable.

Some people even have both a mini and larger iPad, mini for casual use and pro for work; it just depends on how you use your iPad
Hi everyone, real first world problem here!

I have had an M1 11 inch pro since may when they were released. I have enjoyed it but found it cumbersome for reading ebooks and browsing social media compared to my phone. I since haven’t used it as much as I thought I would but use it for Netflix in bed. I don’t use the pro features but made the investment because I wanted an iPad that would last me a long time and everyone was going on about how future proof the chip and ram would be. I do enjoy using it.

Fast forward I won an iPad mini 6 at my company’s holiday party raffle. I planned on either selling it or giving it to a family member but I opened it and played with it for a bit. I absolutely love love the size. I have used it way more than I have my 11 inch and it’s just easier to hold. But the jelly scroll bothers me although I think I may be getting used to it.

I can’t justify having 2 iPads. Has anyone gone from a pro to a mini? I feel like I should keep the pro with the better specs and screen and the size I may want if I decide to go back to digital planning, I will make an effort to use it more. But I’m conflicted as the mini is just so cute and perfect to hold. But the jelly scroll on it while not impairing any use just honestly really bugs me.

What to do!
Anyone have any advice or what you would do?

You already own both devices. Use the mini for a while and then decide. There is no right or wrong here just your own experience, your workflow and preference.
You don't need us to decide as @ericwn stated.. You own them both so use them both and then decide what you want to do.

I'd even question why you can't own both if you feel the desire to do so? You won the other one so you didn't pay anything for it. Use and keep both if that's where you ultimately decide to go.

I will say, I own the 12.9" 2021 iPP. I had ordered one for my wife as well as she was originally going to go iPad over laptop to replace her worn out Lenovo. She played with mine for a bit and I explained the limitations of iPadOS and she opted for a M1 MBP + iPad mini instead. I initially was worried the mini was "too small" to be useful. She uses that more than she uses her MBP and really loves it. I am also a major fan of it.

I still have my 12.9" as I paid too much for it to jump off that train anytime in the next 5+ years, but if I were given a free Mini I'd do the 2 iPad life. That thing is just a great all around device. The size just makes it fill a very powerful spot.
I recently switched from the Pro 11” to the Mini 6 and haven’t looked back. As many said, it is all about how you want to use an iPad. I could never get the pro to be functional as a true work device (that’s what my M1 MBA is for) so the mini has been a perfect complement. Great for browsing, reading, digital note taking and pdf marking. It took me a little time to get used to the poorer screen, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I love the mini- really fits well between my phone and laptop.
I can’t justify having 2 iPads.
Why can’t you justify it?

I have a 12.9 Pro and a Mini 6. I love them both for their size without having to compromise. I love the big screen of the 12.9 and I love the portability of the Mini 6.

If you think you will use your Pro, then keep both. Enjoy the hell out of them.

If you think your Pro is going to sit in a draw and not be used, then by all means sell it or gift it to someone.

If the Mini jellyscroll really bugs you, then see how you get along with using it in landscape (where it does not have this effect).
I have both an 11" Pro and a Mini 6. I much prefer the 11". The only time I use the Mini 6 is when out and about because it is more portable, and it is also OK as e-book reader.
11' Pro advantages:

Bigger for movies
Better sound
120 Hz display
Face ID
Split screen apps (too small on Mini)
Near-zero lag for Apple Pencil
Bigger drawing area
Bigger note-taking area
Keyboard occupies less of the screen and has a few more keys
Better for Sidecar
iPadOS UI is designed for a 10" to 11" screen

However it is a personal preference
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I personally feel the same about big iPads.

Got an 11inch in late 2020 (the A12Z chips). You somehow think these devices are cool, "Pro", it was faster than my MacBook at the time. And of course, taking notes with it is great. But, aside from this, it feels that a laptop can do any "real work" better, while the phone is more comfortable reading in bed. For the same reasons, I sometimes wished I would have gotten the iPad mini.

However, the 11 inch iPad is great as sidecar for the mac.
If I were to buy an iPad, this will be my criteria in size decision:
- if for use on the go as a digital notebook, iPad mini
- if for general handheld use around the house mostly, then the 11"/Air

Things to consider, the 11" iPad has the option for the keyboard cover, which is crucial if you want to use the iPad for productivity.
The best iPad for you is the one you’ll use, rather than the one with the best specs. Future proof specs don’t mean much if it’ll collect dust or only be used for netflix and social media browsing.

Yep, this. Just keep whichever one you actually use.
I have both an 11" Pro and a Mini 6. I much prefer the 11". The only time I use the Mini 6 is when out and about because it is more portable, and it is also OK as e-book reader.
11' Pro advantages:

Bigger for movies
Better sound
120 Hz display
Face ID
Split screen apps (too small on Mini)
Near-zero lag for Apple Pencil
Bigger drawing area
Bigger note-taking area
Keyboard occupies less of the screen and has a few more keys
Better for Sidecar
iPadOS UI is designed for a 10" to 11" screen

However it is a personal preference
All of this is totally true, which I think is why myself (and others) have had such a difficult dilemma. On paper, the tech specs of the Pro totally outweigh the Mini. However, it is all about how you use the iPad and how it fits with your other tech. If you have a laptop (especially a M1 version), a lot of the benefits of a larger iPad kind of fall away. Conversely, if you prefer carrying a large phone, the Mini may not offer enough of a size advantage for you.
All of this is totally true, which I think is why myself (and others) have had such a difficult dilemma. On paper, the tech specs of the Pro totally outweigh the Mini. However, it is all about how you use the iPad and how it fits with your other tech. If you have a laptop (especially a M1 version), a lot of the benefits of a larger iPad kind of fall away. Conversely, if you prefer carrying a large phone, the Mini may not offer enough of a size advantage for you.

Yeah, it’s entirely personal preference.

I’ve got all iPad sizes, M1 MacBook Air, and 13” and 15” Windows laptops. The usage hours on all the laptops combined is way below the usage hours on my least used iPad.

I use a Windows desktop for work.
I agree that it's personal preference. FWIW, I have both and use both. For me, the Mini works best for books, quick notes (I use paper and a Remarkable tablet for more involved note taking), web browsing (most of mine tends to be forums, YouTube instructional videos, and other "non-immersive" uses), photos, music, etc. I turn to the Pro if I need to use the keyboard folio (it's my go-to for airline tray table usage), watching a movie (which I would do on an iPad only if traveling), or any serious photo editing (which I rarely do). Given my patterns, this means I would give up the Pro before I would give up the Mini, but I'm not sure it would be terribly useful to extrapolate my experience to another situation.

I will say that I got use to the "jelly scroll" very quickly and don't notice it at all anymore. YMMV.
I’m typing this on my iPad mini 6 at a restaurant while waiting for dinner. The iPad was in the pocket of my coat and I bring it nearly everywhere. The pocket is actually designed for a 11” iPad so I could bring that but I almost never would. The iPad mini is of a size that carrying it like a large phone is possible but the 11” iPad pro is not.
I’m typing this on my iPad mini 6 at a restaurant while waiting for dinner. The iPad was in the pocket of my coat and I bring it nearly everywhere. The pocket is actually designed for a 11” iPad so I could bring that but I almost never would. The iPad mini is of a size that carrying it like a large phone is possible but the 11” iPad pro is not.

You have a coat pocket that’s specifically designed for an iPad Pro 11? Please tell me more!
I have a Pro 11 and a Mini 6 and use them both for different use cases. The Mini is king for content consumption and the 11 is excellent for portable content creation when I am on the move.

However, if I had to choose only one of them to keep, it would definitely be the Pro 11.
I've got the same M1 Macbook, bought the new iPad 10.2 and the iPad Mini. Ended up with a "Holy Molly I love this iPad Mini " and returned the regular iPad. Actually, I also returned the 64GB Mini and went with the 256GB.
Hi everyone, real first world problem here!

I have had an M1 11 inch pro since may when they were released. I have enjoyed it but found it cumbersome for reading ebooks and browsing social media compared to my phone. I since haven’t used it as much as I thought I would but use it for Netflix in bed. I don’t use the pro features but made the investment because I wanted an iPad that would last me a long time and everyone was going on about how future proof the chip and ram would be. I do enjoy using it.

Fast forward I won an iPad mini 6 at my company’s holiday party raffle. I planned on either selling it or giving it to a family member but I opened it and played with it for a bit. I absolutely love love the size. I have used it way more than I have my 11 inch and it’s just easier to hold. But the jelly scroll bothers me although I think I may be getting used to it.

I can’t justify having 2 iPads. Has anyone gone from a pro to a mini? I feel like I should keep the pro with the better specs and screen and the size I may want if I decide to go back to digital planning, I will make an effort to use it more. But I’m conflicted as the mini is just so cute and perfect to hold. But the jelly scroll on it while not impairing any use just honestly really bugs me.

What to do!
Anyone have any advice or what you would do?
I was using a 10.5” Pro for years. Tried the new Mini, returned it, and got a new 11” Pro. Personally I find the Mini screen too dim and the text too small for my eyes.
I had this same debate over the last couple of weeks. I don't like using iPad Pro as my main driver anymore, but still love iPads and was missing my trusty Apple Pencil. The iPad mini 6 was the iPad mini I had been waiting for YEARS for, so I was ecstatic to see them finally do it, but didn't bother buying one because I had just gotten rid of my 12.9" Pro and already had a 13 Pro Max.

So then, I started wondering--wouldn't an Air or 11" Pro be the better buy? And I almost went that direction, but I really just want the iPad to be my portable book/notebook/magazine. It's my "tablet" in the truest sense of the word. I almost wonder, now that the forehead and chin are gone and it's really more like an iPad Pro mini without some of the bells and whistles. And it has the latest A chip in it, unlike the Air.

I think the new mini is exactly what I need an iPad to be at this point in time: the not-iPhone not-Mac that I can grab and go and do some really specific things with. It's not much bigger than my 13 Pro Max, but that's not really the point. It's a completely different kind of device with much more comfortable aspect ratio for games and movies.
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