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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Florida's Treasure Coast
Since I played with one on vacation in downtown Charleston, I have went from having no reason to buy an iPad, to thinking about them everyday and wanting one more and more.

Is this normal?!? LOL.

I would mainly just be using it for a book reader, and browsing the internet at home.

I work in IT at a college, are there any iPad specific apps that would make my work life easier to help justify having it?
Join the club. I went from "Oh this is a silly idea, just a large ipod touch" to "I HAVE to have one now!" when I actually played with one.
I had absolutely no intention of getting one. Then a few weeks ago I happened to be near an Apple store, so I went in to check it out. I thought it was a good product, I put it back and I went on with the rest of my day.

What followed was a series of days trying to talk myself out of buying one. Reading reviews, researching iPad apps and eventually just placing an order for mine.

So just give in, buy one. You know you will sooner or later, so take your place in line and enjoy it! ;)
Same here. I ordered the witf + 3G the minute pre orders started. On launch day I went to the apple store to check it out, and liked it for the few minutes I played with it. I keep on reading reviews about it, the recent ones by people who actuality have used it for weeks and are pretty positive going from they ready didn't think they need it to they cant live with out it.

I'm a windows guy, work on them all day. but when I get home I sit on my couch and use my iPhone to surf the web, read mags through zilliow, play games etc.. I HATE turning my computer on when I get home. The iPad is going to be the Perfect device for this. I cant wait!!! I know it has it flaws like every thing. Thing is what other OS is truly designed for touch input from the ground up? all the windows tablets run windows 7/vista or XP, which have some touch support but were not designed from the ground up for it. Only ones I see would be android and Palm's web OS. No tablets from them right now. And even then the iPhone OS still trumps them on most things (not all thought: would like better notifications PLEASE!)
I had a dream (nightmare) that there was a bug (flat) inside the glass of my iPad. Another nightmare in which it had two big scratches on it.
My iPad appeared in at least 3 more dreams, but cannot recall what exactly happened. I don't think they were nightmares though. :eek:
I’m still trying to get my hands on one! When they first came out I wanted one but then thought why do I need one. So time passed and eventually I got the urge to buy one but I was still 50-50. So one day I went into Best Buy and after playing with it for a little bit I went from 50-50 to really wanting one. Now my problem is that I have Best Buy store credit and Reward Zone certificates so I kind of have to buy it from Best Buy. On the other hand I’m handcuffed to waiting until the 3-4 Best Buys by my house get them in stock constantly. On Monday I was so close to getting one!! After work I called Best Buy and they just got 3 returns from a guy who thought he could buy them and sell them in the Best Buy parking lot for double haha. So there was a 16gb, 32gb and 64gb in stock. The Best Buy employee said they couldn’t hold it for me over the phone so I rushed there and 20 minutes later I arrived. Well what do you know but 3 people in the same party snatched them up and was paying for them literally as I was walking in the store!! I was sooooooo pissed!! How much longer will I have to wait??!!! Sorry for the long post :D
I had no intention of purchasing one until a coworker let me take his back to my desk for an hour; ended up snagging one that night on my way home from work.

From the original keynote I felt it was pretty underwhelming. But the execution/user experience is superlative. For me the best way to put it is futureshock.
Like one of the posters above I work on PC's all day long. So when I get home I like to just sit down with something that just works. Lately it has been a new Dell netbook with Win7 but it is just really clunky and makes me frustrated...mostly screen size and resolution. I have loved the idea of the iPad since it was announced. Unfortunately there are reasons I can't afford one at the moment. I have been a good boy and stayed away from the Apple store and Best Buy so I didn't get influenced into playing with one. Last week one of our users bought his to me so I could setup his Exchange email on it and that was all it took. Yesterday another user bought his in and I told him to just leave. I won't say it haunts my dreams but I have been in this forum more in the past two weeks then I have since launch and every day I text my wife with just "I want an iPad". Maybe when Rev 2 is released I will be able to get one.
Like one of the posters above I work on PC's all day long. So when I get home I like to just sit down with something that just works. Lately it has been a new Dell netbook with Win7 but it is just really clunky and makes me frustrated...mostly screen size and resolution. I have loved the idea of the iPad since it was announced. Unfortunately there are reasons I can't afford one at the moment. I have been a good boy and stayed away from the Apple store and Best Buy so I didn't get influenced into playing with one. Last week one of our users bought his to me so I could setup his Exchange email on it and that was all it took. Yesterday another user bought his in and I told him to just leave. I won't say it haunts my dreams but I have been in this forum more in the past two weeks then I have since launch and every day I text my wife with just "I want an iPad". Maybe when Rev 2 is released I will be able to get one.

Same here. I work with Windows crap all day, and just have to not look at Windows and dont want to deal with all the hassles at home..
I had the opposite. I was very eager to buy one, had the money, and even had reserved an iPad! I live in the UK so it should have been a great opportunity but in the apple store in Seattle it felt so meagre and disappointing. I went four times but couldn't be convinced. I bought one for my Dad and a friend. And i am not missing it at all, my MBP and iphone can do everything the iPad can do - and better. Maybe an improved version but not this time
I had no intention to buy one until I touched it. Then it was all over.
Ive had mine only two days and 4 out of the 5 people who have seen it are going to buy one.
The common remark after me showing it to people is "thanks for costing me $500 jerk!" -HAHA!
I know the "magical" term is dumb :rolleyes: but you have to admit, (read above posts) something happens when you touch it! :)
Wow, I thought I was the only one like this. I didn't want want one at first and was very underwhelmed when it was announced but then I slowly warmed up to it. Then my co-worker got the wifi one and then I HAD to have it. So I pre-ordered the 3G on the 16th (just made the cutoff). Now I want nothing more than Apple to take my money and give me a tracking number. I don't get this way about any other gadgets. WTF, right?
I work in IT at a college, are there any iPad specific apps that would make my work life easier to help justify having it?

You might look at iSSH.

I too have had several dreams regarding my 3G iPad finally arriving. I've been working late though. I blame my questionable sleep patterns on long work days more than my desire to finally get my iPad.

...yeah, that's the ticket. :D

I wanted one from the moment the announcement video ended. I telecommute as a software developer so I'm in my home office 10+ hours a day. The last thing that I want to do is spend my leisure time in my office simply to do leisure stuff.

The iPad does everything that I was hoping my previous 2 netbooks would have been able to do.
$499 is a total impulse buy, as opposed to buying a $2k laptop. But the great thing is that it won't sit and collect dust like so many impulse buys. Do it!!
Weird. The only bad dreams involving personal possessions that I have involve someone either stealing or beating the **** out of my land rover.
I've been wanting one since the announcement! However, I am going to wait till multitasking comes in the fall.

I find myself thinking about the iPad and how much easier tasks would be with it then on my MBP, and wanting one even more, I will probably cave by the end of this summer, but unfortunately I am doing an unpaid internship with a Major League Baseball, so no income till I get back to school in the fall.

The wait is killing me and I am considering avoiding Best Buy and Apple Stores at all costs just so I don't play with one and make the wait even harder.

just my .02
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