I must admit, I do have a problem actually believing Apple spent a LOT of time on the iPad.
I don't so much mean the hardware as the hardware is the best hardware (for the price/size/performance) that's available now.
I mean the software.
Now I know this will sound bad, but it does really seem to be quickly thrown together without spending too long on it, just in case it was a flop.
They say they have been thinking and working on it for 10 years. (or more)
So after 10 years you pretty much just slap the iPhone OS onto it, add a few bits and tweak it here and there.
Nope, I don't buy that to be honest.
I'm not saying it's not nice, but it does now come over as something that's had all those years of work pumped into it.
It's more like, we have an iPhone, (and an ipod touch) both of those products have been through a number of revisions, so let's make a BIG one, quickly mod the OS to run on the larger screen and see how it sells.
That kind of seems what's happened.
Anyone given the screen and power would have done SO MUCH MORE with it than Apple have for v1
A plain screen with fat chunky icons you press to run programs and that's the extent of the front end on a 1Ghz machine.
Hmmmmm, Can't say I feel that's the very best anyone could of come up with after a decade of development.
It works.
Now they know the market is out there, perhaps they can REALLY knuckle down and give it the OS such a device really deserves and not make it bonded to being synced all the time.