So this will be my first time lining up to get any Apple product (though I've been a faithful Mac user since first year university) and I was wondering from other people who have experienced lining up for Mac products, much earlier is a reasonable amount of time to begin lining up for the iPad? I live in Ottawa and the Rideau Centre Apple store opens at 8am. I am planning on lining up around 6am (it's the earliest I can get there as the bus doesn't start running till 5am). Is that a decent time to line-up? Or is that too late? Would they cut the line at some point if they realize there's way too many people and too little iPads? Or could you feasibly find yourself lining up for hours only to discover they don't have any more stock left when you reach the front?
I'm aiming to get the 16GB WI-FI+3G model, otherwise, the 32GB WI-FI +3G model (and if that's sold out, either the other 16GB or the other 32GB).
I really want to get one on Friday as I will be travelling for a week in early June for some meetings related to work and this would be the perfect thing to keep me connected as I fried my iPod recently and my Nokia phone is just about done (also planning on getting the new iPhone when it comes out). I'd appreciate any info or experiences I can get (like for those of you in the U.S., how much earlier did you line-up if you got it on launch day?)...
In any case, I'm really excited about the iPad - I'm planning on seeing 30 or so films at the Toronto Film Fest this year in September and this will be perfect for the dozens of hours I'll be in line during those two weeks.
I'm aiming to get the 16GB WI-FI+3G model, otherwise, the 32GB WI-FI +3G model (and if that's sold out, either the other 16GB or the other 32GB).
I really want to get one on Friday as I will be travelling for a week in early June for some meetings related to work and this would be the perfect thing to keep me connected as I fried my iPod recently and my Nokia phone is just about done (also planning on getting the new iPhone when it comes out). I'd appreciate any info or experiences I can get (like for those of you in the U.S., how much earlier did you line-up if you got it on launch day?)...
In any case, I'm really excited about the iPad - I'm planning on seeing 30 or so films at the Toronto Film Fest this year in September and this will be perfect for the dozens of hours I'll be in line during those two weeks.