I sold my Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v just the other day and got an iPad. Here is how I decided if the iPad was a good idea:
1) Do you think that the iPad would be more fun to use?
2) What applications would you use on a Hackintosh?
3) Do those applications have an iPad equivalent?
If you answered yes to answers 1 & 3, then get an iPad. If not, get a Hackintosh.
These were my answers:
1) Yes. Its magical.
2) Evernote, Pages, Keynote, Coda, Mail, Safari, VNC, iTunes, iCal
3) Yes. Evernote=Evernote. Pages=Pages. Keynote=Keynote. Coda=Markup. Mail=Mail. Safari=Safari. VNC=Logmein Ignition. iTunes=iPod. iCal=Calendar
That said, the Dell Mini 10v is a very good machine regardless. It just isn't as "magical".