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Which should I get

  • ipad

    Votes: 35 61.4%
  • ipad 2

    Votes: 22 38.6%

  • Total voters


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2010
Hey, I was thinking about getting a ipad sometime next week, but now I've heard a bunch of rumors stating that a 7" ipad will be coming out sometime this year? So should I get the ipad now or should I wait for the next one?
What do You prefer: 7 or 9,7 inch screen? Answer that, and You will have solution of Your problem.
Wtf...seriously can we kill this thread with fire?! I seriously have never been on a website where the same retarded speculation threads pop up 3 times a day. I would seriously recommend sticky this thread to avoid the 2 more that will pop up before I finish typing this.
You'll always be chasing "the next thing" - if you can afford one now, get one, otherwise wait.
I bet you're not as sick of these as I am.

Amen for the three of us as well as a million of the rest of us!
I was so impressed with mine, I asked Dr Q to start a section for the iPad, he went to Arn and here we are.BUT same 3 questions, over and over, I guess until :apple: gets it's butt in gear, and developers kick into high gear,(what are you waiting for boys??) we are stuck:rolleyes:
I LOVE my iPad, went away for a weekend, and I dared to bring only that! Served my every need as well as categorizing several hundred butterfly photo's
using the camera adapter, slid some into Aperture for tune up on my BMB:eek:
Amen for the three of us as well as a million of the rest of us!
I was so impressed with mine, I asked Dr Q to start a section for the iPad, he went to Arn and here we are.BUT same 3 questions, over and over, I guess until :apple: gets it's butt in gear, and developers kick into high gear,(what are you waiting for boys??) we are stuck:rolleyes:
I LOVE my iPad, went away for a weekend, and I dared to bring only that! Served my every need as well as categorizing several hundred butterfly photo's
using the camera adapter, slid some into Aperture for tune up on my BMB:eek:

Doesn't matter. Once apple release the 2nd gen iPad, people will be going "OMG SHOULD I WAIT FOR IPAD 3?"
Amen for the three of us as well as a million of the rest of us!
I was so impressed with mine, I asked Dr Q to start a section for the iPad, he went to Arn and here we are.BUT same 3 questions, over and over, I guess until :apple: gets it's butt in gear, and developers kick into high gear,(what are you waiting for boys??) we are stuck:rolleyes:
I LOVE my iPad, went away for a weekend, and I dared to bring only that! Served my every need as well as categorizing several hundred butterfly photo's
using the camera adapter, slid some into Aperture for tune up on my BMB:eek:

Same as me dude. Went to Portugal and Italy for about 3 weeks with only the Nikon D300S, iPad and cam adapters. Worked great. I used a few of the editing apps and my photos were pretty much the way I wanted them. People complaining about the iPad not doing work have almost zero clue as to what they are talking about.
if you guys are all sick of these types of threads then stop looking at them and complaining. If you don't like my thread then go start one yourself.
If you want to wait until next June that is your business. That is the earliest you will see a new iPad model. Depends upon if you need it now or can wait. It's that simple. If you had read any of the other dozen threads just like this, you'd read the same thing. But I guess that takes too much effort.
if you guys are all sick of these types of threads then stop looking at them and complaining. If you don't like my thread then go start one yourself.

apologies. check out this comparison of the current ipad and the potential new ipad. hopefully this helps in your decision making.

Hey, I was thinking about getting a ipad sometime next week, but now I've heard a bunch of rumors stating that a 7" ipad will be coming out sometime this year? So should I get the ipad now or should I wait for the next one?

I have a simple answer: ipad 3
For the love of god can we please stop these ridiculous threads. :mad:

We all know Rev 4 is the one worth waiting for :rolleyes: ;)

Bit seriously..... Stop!
Personally I'm waiting for iPad version 2,193 which will come with 8-inch screen, super-duper retina display, 10 trillion bits per second download speed and weighs 5 ounces.

By that time it wouldn't even be called iPad. :cool:
I'd say wait for ipad 4.

Judging from you ability to wait and Apple's ability to really hit its mark with the 4th version I would wait until it comes out.

Projected release date is 2013.
Judging from you ability to wait and Apple's ability to really hit its mark with the 4th version I would wait until it comes out.

Huh? You obviously don't own an iPhone 4. I say either go with the 3rd or 5th version. 4th? That's a big no-no.
Let's make one of these a sticky so it's easier to see. Maybe people will stop posting new threads like these.
My suggestion is to get it before 2012 before the world ends... :eek:
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