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Robert Spoecker

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 12, 2010
I just got back from a week long road trip in my RV with a friend from Southern California to Oregon and back.

My friend brought a camera and a Mac Laptop and I brought a camera and an iPad with connectivity plug kit.

My friend could upload pictures to named folders and do all kinds of manipulation in PhotoShop as desired while all I could do was upload to the iPad and display.

His Wii Fi was much more robust, he got a much stronger connection than I got with my iPad.

But so what? Next time I will bring my laptop and not use my iPad. The iPad is a lot of fun and I have filled it up with cheap applications from free to $0.99 or maybe a few dollars.

Ok, maybe I will not use my iPad with my photography endeavors but one device can not be the right thing for all applications or desires.

I will use my iPad when appropriate and my laptop when appropriate and be very happy with both

You need to check out some photo apps for iPad! Some of them are pretty cool and certainly let you manipulate your photos.
I find iPad photo apps lacking.

But then, how can the $600 PhotoShop be compared with a dollar iPad program :confused:

Still not so good for travel

Agree, if you still can't upload your pictures, it's not useful. I got rid of my Macbook and got an iMac, thought that the iPad would be enough to take with me when I travel. I was wrong, I still need a laptop. Hopefully the photo app will be better in the future.
Agree, if you still can't upload your pictures, it's not useful. I got rid of my Macbook and got an iMac, thought that the iPad would be enough to take with me when I travel. I was wrong, I still need a laptop. Hopefully the photo app will be better in the future.


The object of a vacation as I know it is enjoy yourself, relax and get out and about. Not sit in your room and tweak photos. I traveled to Italy with my Nikon, iPad and camera connector kit. Transferred all of my photos to my iPad and when I got home I edited the photos. Problem solved. How hard is this really?

This forum has become a place where people come to piss and moan about everything. Few do actual research or bother to read, but have no problem coming and filling up a thread with useless whiny posts about nothing.
The iPad is fine for travelling for me but I don't edit photos (and would imagine very few people bother do edit photos?). All I used to do with my laptop was watch videos on long plane flights and occasionally surf the net in my hotel room at night.

To be honest I'll probably take both. The iPad for viewing videos and playing games on the plane and the laptop for any 'heavier' tasks that arise during the rest of the trip.
I'd say iPad is the thing to take while on a trip *unless business.*
It provides light weight and hassle-free entertainment in a smaller size than laptop... plus who takes photos and works on them while on vacation? I snap photos and keep storing them on cam (I have a 64 GB card) so it's A LOT lol... and when home I delete alot and edit a lot in Photoshop... (i'm a Windows user... sadly).
Who takes photos..hmmmm

Well that would be my wife then, she is addicted to it, and not just the one shot oohhh that's A nice old building way... Oh no she has that bit on the camera that just clicks away whilst your finger is on the button so we get ten shots of a tree or fourteen shots of an interesting wall.

Then she uploads all of that to my iMac.... Yep my iMac, I think we are sitting on 30 gb of photos that she has yet to sort delete or edit.

Someone must stop this woman it's a madness I tell you.
It would be nice if apple would release an iPhoto app for iPad / iPhone. There doing iMovie! Why not all the ilife suite? Except GarageBand, that would be way underpowered lol.
If you're on vacation, why would you even put the time required into making use of all the features of Photoshop to completely revamp even just a single picture?

The quick photo edit apps for the iPad can help you touch up your pictures in quick succession and with very good results. If you're planning on working on heavy photo editing with pro tools like Photoshop while on vacation then sure bring a laptop. Also note that if you wont be spending that much time in Photoshop, you're probably not doing any serious editing, and so most likely at least a handful of photo editing applications in the iPad will be almost as capable.

iPad: Casual referencing, utilities, translators, photo touch-ups and sharing, social networking and sharing, easy internet access.
...That's what 95% of people need while on vacation.

Laptop: For power-demanding pro tool applications such as Photoshop or Aperture. Also Final Cut or Premiere Pro, if you want to put a few hours of your vacation time into perfecting your photo album and finish up a trip movie.
...While one should be spending that time enjoying their vacation.

The object of a vacation as I know it is enjoy yourself, relax and get out and about. Not sit in your room and tweak photos. I traveled to Italy with my Nikon, iPad and camera connector kit. Transferred all of my photos to my iPad and when I got home I edited the photos. Problem solved. How hard is this really?

This forum has become a place where people come to piss and moan about everything. Few do actual research or bother to read, but have no problem coming and filling up a thread with useless whiny posts about nothing.

+1 +1 +1 :) :D :cool:

The object of a vacation as I know it is enjoy yourself, relax and get out and about. Not sit in your room and tweak photos. I traveled to Italy with my Nikon, iPad and camera connector kit. Transferred all of my photos to my iPad and when I got home I edited the photos. Problem solved. How hard is this really?

This forum has become a place where people come to piss and moan about everything. Few do actual research or bother to read, but have no problem coming and filling up a thread with useless whiny posts about nothing.

You forgot whine.
I just got back from a week long road trip in my RV with a friend from Southern California to Oregon and back.

My friend brought a camera and a Mac Laptop and I brought a camera and an iPad with connectivity plug kit.

My friend could upload pictures to named folders and do all kinds of manipulation in PhotoShop as desired while all I could do was upload to the iPad and display.

His Wii Fi was much more robust, he got a much stronger connection than I got with my iPad.

But so what? Next time I will bring my laptop and not use my iPad. The iPad is a lot of fun and I have filled it up with cheap applications from free to $0.99 or maybe a few dollars.

Ok, maybe I will not use my iPad with my photography endeavors but one device can not be the right thing for all applications or desires.

I will use my iPad when appropriate and my laptop when appropriate and be very happy with both


So what is your point?

You would definitely not make a good lawyer.

The object of a vacation as I know it is enjoy yourself, relax and get out and about. Not sit in your room and tweak photos. I traveled to Italy with my Nikon, iPad and camera connector kit. Transferred all of my photos to my iPad and when I got home I edited the photos. Problem solved. How hard is this really?

This forum has become a place where people come to piss and moan about everything. Few do actual research or bother to read, but have no problem coming and filling up a thread with useless whiny posts about nothing.

Prime example.
For some people, getting drunk every night is a fun part of a vacation.

For some people, tweaking their photos is enjoyable.

There's no right or wrong way to have a vacation.

Hahah this made me laugh. That sounds so nerdy, but its true though..

Congrats to OP for figuring out what he wants.

The object of a vacation as I know it is enjoy yourself, relax and get out and about. Not sit in your room and tweak photos. I traveled to Italy with my Nikon, iPad and camera connector kit. Transferred all of my photos to my iPad and when I got home I edited the photos. Problem solved. How hard is this really?

Uhhh... Who are you to tell someone how they should enjoy their vacation? Perhaps photography is the op's hobby and that is what they are passionate about. Just because YOU wouldn't enjoy doing it doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you.

This forum has become a place where people come to piss and moan about everything.

Kind of like this post, right?

Few do actual research or bother to read, but have no problem coming and filling up a thread with useless whiny posts about nothing.

I have researched photo apps myself and while there are some decent rudimentary ones, as has already been pointed out, nothing can hold a candle to any desktop apps.
Uhhh... Who are you to tell someone how they should enjoy their vacation? Perhaps photography is the op's hobby and that is what they are passionate about. Just because YOU wouldn't enjoy doing it doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you.

Kind of like this post, right?

I have researched photo apps myself and while there are some decent rudimentary ones, as has already been pointed out, nothing can hold a candle to any desktop apps.

Good point. However to complain about a device not being touted as a desktop replacement just goes to prove the the OP had no idea about what he purchased in the first place. Then to come here and complain about it shows a continued lack of understanding. The iPad is not meant as a desktop replacement nor as a photo editing platform. One would think this is obvious from the very start but maybe it was a little too deep. Maybe Apple should come out with a list of things the iPad isn't as to not confuse people.
Good point. However to complain about a device not being touted as a desktop replacement just goes to prove the the OP had no idea about what he purchased in the first place. Then to come here and complain about it shows a continued lack of understanding. The iPad is not meant as a desktop replacement nor as a photo editing platform. One would think this is obvious from the very start but maybe it was a little too deep. Maybe Apple should come out with a list of things the iPad isn't as to not confuse people.

Did I complain? Saying that I like both my iPod and my laptop but for different tasks is not complaining.

I knew what I was getting when I got the iPod and did not buy it for photography but when I read so many posts with such high hopes I tries this also and in a very non complaining way wanted to share my opinion with the group.

Why is this forum so full of self righteous unfriendly people? Why not ignore what you don't like or give helpful advice based on what was actually written?

I wont give up on this forum because there are actually nice people here but we sure got our quota of nasty "I am a lot smarter than you are and you would be a lousy lawyer". Geez where does all this crap come from?

so hi nice people and I will ignore the rest.

Did I complain? Saying that I like both my iPod and my laptop but for different tasks is not complaining.

I knew what I was getting when I got the iPod and did not buy it for photography but when I read so many posts with such high hopes I tries this also and in a very non complaining way wanted to share my opinion with the group.

Why is this forum so full of self righteous unfriendly people? Why not ignore what you don't like or give helpful advice based on what was actually written?

I wont give up on this forum because there are actually nice people here but we sure got our quota of nasty "I am a lot smarter than you are and you would be a lousy lawyer". Geez where does all this crap come from?

so hi nice people and I will ignore the rest.


You are just one of the many who have purchased the iPad only to suddenly be surprised that it doesn't do this or that. It is called an informed purchase. Only someone that was absolutely clueless would consider the iPad as an appropriate photo editing platform. Someone even more clueless would make an issue of it. To edit photos I have a proper computer and the appropriate software to get the job done. Anyway whatever, see if someone will port the entire CS Suite over to iOS 4 so that photos can be edited on it. Then complain that there is not enough processing power, then say that the screen is too small, then on and on and on.
You are just one of the many who have purchased the iPad only to suddenly be surprised that it doesn't do this or that. It is called an informed purchase. Only someone that was absolutely clueless would consider the iPad as an appropriate photo editing platform. Someone even more clueless would make an issue of it. To edit photos I have a proper computer and the appropriate software to get the job done. Anyway whatever, see if someone will port the entire CS Suite over to iOS 4 so that photos can be edited on it. Then complain that there is not enough processing power, then say that the screen is too small, then on and on and on.

I wrote in the reply above

I knew what I was getting when I got the iPad and did not buy it for photography but when I read so many posts with such high hopes I tried this also and in a very non complaining way wanted to share my opinion with the group.

Why is this a non informed purchase? Did you actually read my original post and the above reply?

Oh by the way I am an advanced photographer but do realize that many point and shoot camera users use them only for shooting their grand children and such. I respect these people and certainly they would find the iPad just right but my needs are different but I certainly never berate them for their way of enjoying a wonderful hobby.

Ah crap, you are just baiting me and I am the worse for it lol

Fair enough. I too am a photographer. More experienced amateur than professional. I use my iPad when traveling as simply a dumping ground for my photos. I don't even bother to edit them because I know I have a 17 inch MBP at home that does this duty. So when I read about people complaining (excluding you ok) that the iPad is not this or that tends to illustrate in my book that they were clueless regarding their purchase.
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