iPad's UI and features consume more memory than iPhone.
Yes I know but it's not that much more. Atomic web browser for iPad was able to hold 8 tabs for me without refreshing.
Safari continues to refresh even if I only have two tabs open.
surprised we have not seen this update yet...
I think the iPad should be more bright, like my ipod Touch. Is this what you mean with brightness issues?
(but more bright probably means less battery time, right?)
No, the brightness in the room aren't trigging the sensor on iPad to adjust the brightness of the screen. When I turned on the light in the room, the iPad should be reducing the brightness, it doesn't do it immediately, sometime taking a while to adjust and other time doesn't change anything. A lot of people reported the same thing.
More brightness means less battery time, but it's true for visa versa. More bright room means less brightness on the screen which extends the battery life.