The jump from the 9,7" to the 10,5" was much bigger, than from the 10,5" to the 11". It might be not worth it, unless you need the 2. gen pencil, which is definetly nice. Yes, USB-C is neat, but that's basically it. 95% of all users will barely notice any recent CPU jumps, as they are already more than powerful enough for all major tasks.
The 11" even has some downsides, it became too thin for my liking, thus making it more prone for damage (bendgate) and also loosing the headphone port and OIS (for the 2018 models at least). Also while Face ID is handy for smartphones, Touch ID works better for Tablets. Oh, and the bezels are already small enough on the 10,5" actually the sides are even slimmer than on the 11". And don't forget the significant price jump.
I stay with my 10,5" Pro. Love the design and power, working with ProCreate is a bliss. Yes, there is a small risk of the bright spot, but I rather have that minor annoyance instead of the other issues, while still having the benefit of 120Hz/Promotion, 4GB RAM, Quad Speakers and a powerful A10X.
For this strange thread, I don't get who you haven't noticed that you already own the 11" Pro with it's pretty obvious FaceID.