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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2010
Hi all,

I'm an happy user of the brand new iPad PRO 11" (M4) / 512Gb version. iPadOS 17.5.1 installed and no restore from previous iPads. I'm experiencing some sort of random reboot that I don't understand to what are related. They're completely random: sometimes happen while using it (I see the lock screen and need to re-authenticate with FaceID), some other times I see the black screen with Apple Logo and the machine is completely rebooted.

My config also include a MagicKeyboard. Not sure if it's important, though.

I suspect that the problem is related to StageManager since, when it's enabled, reboots are occurring much more frequently. Is anyone on the same boat?

Many thanks in advance for any hints ore feedback.


Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I have the same thing going on with my Pro 13" 1TB version with 17.5.1. The thing is I also have had this going on with my iPhone 14 Pro Max since I have had it. Not sure why you don't notice it much on the iPhone anymore as it instantly comes back with face ID. With the iPad it is doing this when I am viewing it in bed. The front camera is out of position to bring it back without entering the password, and it goes to the home screen when I miss handle the iPad. I don't use StageManager yet.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2010
I have the same thing going on with my Pro 13" 1TB version with 17.5.1. The thing is I also have had this going on with my iPhone 14 Pro Max since I have had it. Not sure why you don't notice it much on the iPhone anymore as it instantly comes back with face ID. With the iPad it is doing this when I am viewing it in bed. The front camera is out of position to bring it back without entering the password, and it goes to the home screen when I miss handle the iPad. I don't use StageManager yet.

Honestly speaking for me is first time ever. Never experienced something like that either on old iPad Air (4th gen) or iPhone 15 Pro. Also, googling or searching on reddit seems that we're really few ones with such problems. Let's see if someone else will join the party.


Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I have been carefully monitoring my use of this iPad and I have the problem while I am handling it. It will slip out of my hand, an not always but it will often go to the lock screen. If it is in my desk stand no problems.


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2011
heh yet another to look for with my new 11". Hasnt happened yet knock on wood.


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2008
I had this issue as well, 13” iPad Pro M4, WiFi only 256. It happened probably 4 or 5 times. I finally reached out to Apple support and they ran remote diagnostics confirming the shutdowns. I was able to get my iPad replaced via Express Replacement with my AppleCare+ and haven’t had any issues with the new one.


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2024
I also have this random respring issues as well, in order of how frequent I see if:
Apple Watch Ultra 1 > iPhone 14 PM > iPad Pro 13


Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I my case it always happens when I mis-handle the iPad, in bed when I am reading a kindle book, of scrolling through YouTube, etc. it slips in my hand and it slides over the screen. As long as it is sitting in it desktop stand it is not a problem at all.
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