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So...anyone else disillusioned by their 12.9 and moving back to something smaller?

After using the 9.7 for a few days, the 12.9 just seems huge, and I can't think of a use that justifies it. All I wanted was a music writing app on the level of StaffPad (which I loved on my old surface book), and I assumed by now we would have something similar- but all we have feel like toys in comparison.

I don't use split screen often, but I take a lot of notes, and I'm surprised to find both of those are very capable on the 9.7, at least for my use.

The gain in portability has been a nice experience too, it strangely feels like I'm using an iPad for the first time.

Anyone else experiencing something similar?

Just an Update the Apple fools really Killed the 12.9" Pro because they did not update the body design it's the same as 2016. Is huge bulky and awkward
Just an Update the Apple fools really Killed the 12.9" Pro because they did not update the body design it's the same as 2016. Is huge bulky and awkward

Different strokes. For me, it's a bit lighter, nowhere near as bulky as the first gen and an absolute joy, same design or no. The upgrades are substantial and all under the hood. Beauty is not only skin deep. I buy my Apple products for use first, but what do I know? :p

Obviously, YMV.
I'm blown away by the size/crispness of the 10.5, so I can only imagine how the 12.9 is. I love how comics are being rendered on my 10.5.

I'm happy with the 10.5, but I can see why the 12.9 is such a great product

The 10.5 is quite a bit more portable and easier to wield. The 12.9 on the other hand offers significantly more space which is great for split view, illustration and, yes, comics.

For example, 10.5 would be fine for drawing in portrait, but if I want to open some references in, say, Notability and use it in landscape, 12.9 is much more usable.

Still, I think 10.5 is a great size and most people will prefer that one. It actually worries me a little, I'm affrair Apple gives up on bigger iPads because they are selling a lot less. Hope that doesn't happen.
Different strokes. For me, it's a bit lighter, nowhere near as bulky as the first gen and an absolute joy, same design or no. The upgrades are substantial and all under the hood. Beauty is not only skin deep. I buy my Apple products for use first, but what do I know? :p

Obviously, YMV.

Wait, are you saying the new 12.9 is actually lighter than the old one? I'm still waiting for them to come to my country so I didn't get to try them out, but that would be a nice bonus.
it wouldnt seem so around here. around here all stores have 10.5 in stock. the 12.9 isn't in stock around for 100 miles that has the 12.9 in store until july 12. Basically the stores won't have more 12.9 for an additional 4 weeks. for a "failed experiment" apple can't keep them in stock.
Thread should have not be resurrected since OP was speaking about last gen 12.9.

While not huge differences, enough to turn some people from the dark side to the Force.

One needs to know their usage, if the 9.7 sufficed why did one go to the 12.9 if nothing changed? Of course the 12.9 is quite unweilding between the two models.
Just an Update the Apple fools really Killed the 12.9" Pro because they did not update the body design it's the same as 2016. Is huge bulky and awkward

Were you expecting different? I wasn't.

We knew Apple would update the display and everything else to match the 10.5.

Shrinking the bezels, etc with come later on the 12.9
I don't think its a failed experiment i think its the product it needs to be If you do multitasking on your iPad pro and your happy with the 2nd window being iPhone sized then the 9.7/10.5 is perfect but if you need the real estate of 2 iPad screens then the 12.9 is the way to go, I am an aspiring developer and i just brought the 2nd gen iPad pro 12.9 and i am very happy with it (bugs with iOS 11 aside)
So...anyone else disillusioned by their 12.9 and moving back to something smaller?

After using the 9.7 for a few days, the 12.9 just seems huge, and I can't think of a use that justifies it. All I wanted was a music writing app on the level of StaffPad (which I loved on my old surface book), and I assumed by now we would have something similar- but all we have feel like toys in comparison.

I don't use split screen often, but I take a lot of notes, and I'm surprised to find both of those are very capable on the 9.7, at least for my use.

The gain in portability has been a nice experience too, it strangely feels like I'm using an iPad for the first time.

Anyone else experiencing something similar?

It's a failed experiment because you don't like it? So by that definition, all the other iPads are fails because I don't like them?
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The 10.5 is quite a bit more portable and easier to wield. The 12.9 on the other hand offers significantly more space which is great for split view, illustration and, yes, comics.

Portability was one reason for my choosing the 10.5. I'll have my laptop and I'll be taking this tablet as well.
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Portability was one reason for my choosing the 10.5. I'll have my laptop and I'll be taking this tablet as well.

Yes and, if I'm being honest, I would prefer that size even for media consumption. You mentioned comics, and even though they are full size on 12.9, I think it's much nicer to hold them in hand with a smaller iPad.

But I use my iPad mostly on my desk, as a drawing tablet and then nothing beats the big one. I would really like it if they do the same thing with the larger one next year - not shrinking the size, but increasing the screen to, say, 13.7" or something. I doubt it, but one can dream.
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Yes and, if I'm being honest, I would prefer that size even for media consumption. You mentioned comics, and even though they are full size on 12.9, I think it's much nicer to hold them in hand with a smaller iPad.

But I use my iPad mostly on my desk, as a drawing tablet and then nothing beats the big one. I would really like it if they do the same thing with the larger one next year - not shrinking the size, but increasing the screen to, say, 13.7" or something. I doubt it, but one can dream.

I could definitely see them reducing the bezels on the larger iPad and offering a 13.7" with similar form factor to the 12.9.
I could definitely see them reducing the bezels on the larger iPad and offering a 13.7" with similar form factor to the 12.9.

I would guess they would just make the device smaller, but who knows. I hope they do offer an even bigger screen. iOS 11 seems made for big screens, for the first time in iOS history.
For landscape mode (which is probably the "normal" use case for the iPad), 4:3 is better due to increased screen height. I'm glad that Apple stems against that "look-through-a-mail-slot" hype so omnipresent on other (not only) tablet platforms. And I don't care if that is considered 90's, 80's or whateverdecade's ...
Exactly. I wish large desktop screens would still be produced in 4:3.
In my opinion, the iPad (like all tablets) should be first and foremost a hand held device. As such, a 12.9" is just too large to comfortably hold, type and operate while holding it.

It lacks the comfort of a standard tablet, and it lack the flexibility of a standard laptop. Therefore, unless you use it mostly as a stationary drawing board (AKA niche product), I personally dont see its purpose.
I don't see the 12.9 as a failed experiment as long as Apple keeps investing in iPad features which justify the form factor.

I see a bunch of 12.9 in meeting with keyboards always attached. I think this is a serious contender for laptop replacement with two side-by-side apps in a single view for many people. It's fun to draw on a canvas that large. But the whole package is not there yet. iOS and first party apps need serious investment, and the size, weight, and cost are too high.

For me, I love the 10.5, but could imagine a 12.9 some day when tech advances allow for removal of the bezels and the reduction of 8 ounces. Right now, the 12.9 is too big and heavy for me, particularly given iOS and the apps are not true laptop replacement yet. On the road, I'll always bring a laptop which defeats the purpose of 12.9 for me.

But a proper iOS, iWork, enhanced first party apps and a vibrant 3rd party ecosystem, and I could see going for the larger size. Until then, the 10.5 is simply perfect.
Just an Update the Apple fools really Killed the 12.9" Pro because they did not update the body design it's the same as 2016. Is huge bulky and awkward

I have some initial qualms with your post. How is the 12.9 pro bulky and awkward? It's the same design as the other iPads, only larger and it only weighs 1.49 Pounds. It's incredibly thin and portable, and yet you're labeling it as huge, bulky and awkward? Try using a 15 or 17 inch laptop for portability with weight, and then compare that to the 12.9 iPad.

Actually, the new 12.9 iPad weighs less than the previous 12.9 iPad Pro. Apple actually made a reduction, which to me, is astoundingly thin as it was to begin with.

I think your post is expecting too much out of a device, when there is no other tablet on the market that can compare to the build quality and technology packed into a device that is less than an inch thick.
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So...anyone else disillusioned by their 12.9 and moving back to something smaller?

It's been a looooooong time since I've even posted on a forum, let alone on a topic such as this, but I will say, I am leaning towards the majority here that one persons definition of a failure is another persons definition of a #1 Philips screw driver (great illustration).
I got the 12.9" after 3 iterations of the 9.7" (1st gen retina (still going), and 2 air 2's (1 16 and then my 64gb). Initially (as in I just got it today) I'm nervous. Did I purchase the right product? It IS HUGE in comparison to my 9.7. I have large piano player hands and fingers. I find that although the 9.7 is agreeable, I felt that having more space to my side by side apps was definitely a good reason for me. My wife went the opposite direction. She gave her 16gb air 2 to our daughter and bought a mini 4. For her, that was what she wanted and felt like she needed.
I know some graphic designers who died and went to heaven with how easy their life got after the pencil and pro 12.9 gen 1 came out. I also know some people who got the 12.9 512gb gold color just for the sake of having a status symbol and showing off.
I have loved my 9.7's. I though am going to be speaking in public more in the near future and having a screen that is more than 3" bigger than my previous tab will allow me to show more slides/videos and much easier to keep my notes available along with possibly keynote or another app along side it.
I will also agree, that although I don't feel this way personally, lots of people do indeed "LOVE" their technology toys, etc.
In my opinion, the iPad (like all tablets) should be first and foremost a hand held device. As such, a 12.9" is just too large to comfortably hold, type and operate while holding it.

It lacks the comfort of a standard tablet, and it lack the flexibility of a standard laptop. Therefore, unless you use it mostly as a stationary drawing board (AKA niche product), I personally dont see its purpose.

This is just simply inaccurate. I'm typing this post on the couch with the iPad Pro in one hand, and typing with the other. Most of my usage so far has been on the couch, when uni picks up again in a few weeks it'll be a different story, but for now it's mainly consumption and it's every bit as comfortable and easy to use in hand as an Air 2.

The only concession is that it's not quite as manoeuvrable as the smaller devices, e.g. Getting it in and out of a backpack isn't as easy because it's larger.

Like I said in another thread, people on this forum usually make the 12.9" out to be some huge unweildly heavy device that should be tethered to a desk. It couldn't be further from the truth - it's vastly more portable and easier to use in hand than any laptop on the market, and most don't hesitate in taking those with them. Just like any other iPad, it's comfortable holding in a hand and using in another, it's comfortable resting it on your stomach as you like on your back browsing. It's comfortable sitting it on your lap and typing on the ASK.

After using and experiencing how versatile the 12.9" Pro is, I could never go back to a smaller device.
There's definitely a market for the 12.9 and I understand where Apple are going with the platform, especially when you see iOS 11.

Ironically, if I swap my laptop for a 12.9 iPad Pro I can see me wanting to buy a normal 9.7" iPad for use around the home and office for audio, video, reading and web browsing. So for me the 12.9 isn't a device which can replace both my laptop and iPad Air, just the laptop. The smaller iPad really is a great size for so much stuff and I guess their thinking with the 10.5 is to try and make it a little better better for productivity for those who don't want the very big device.

I agree with you except for me I think the 7.9 iPad mini is a much better companion to the 12.9 (actually even smaller than 7.9 would be better so that I could palm it with one hand). I prefer extreme portability and comfort for my casual consumption device. Something bigger than a phone but that I can still hold one handed for long periods of time. I find the 9.7/10.5 ipads a size of compromise between productivity/immersion and portability/comfort. Exactly what some want, but for me since I already have a device specialized for productivity/immersion (12.9), I want a device specialized for portability/comfort (7.9).

Here's hoping minis keep getting updated.
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After having the 1st gen 12.9, going smaller to 10.5 seems so silly. It's tiny! Second gen 12.9 is a joy to use.

It's a really strange feeling. After using my 7+ for so long, the iPhone SE feels incredibly small in my hands. It's almost as if I could never get used to A display that small ever again.
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I love that so many like the 12.9! I think it's not a niche product anymore but a genuinely viable alternative to the 10.5. I've only had mine a day but can't wait to start reading books/documents, getting back into comics, using the colouring apps, trying out Procreate etc. Netflix on the 12.9 is also a very nice experience coming from a 9.7.

I just wish iOS 11 was coming sooner than December or whenever it is.
I'm blown away by the size/crispness of the 10.5, so I can only imagine how the 12.9 is. I love how comics are being rendered on my 10.5.

I'm happy with the 10.5, but I can see why the 12.9 is such a great product

I think they’ve done the right thing with replacing the 9.7” with the 10.5”, it’s a really good size and a great middle ground between the old size and the 12.9”.

There’s no doubt the bigger size will be just a bit too much for some people. Even I can’t hold it in one hand thanks to my nerve damage, but I’m willing to compromise there for the extra real estate.

But I can totally see the attraction with the 10.9”, it’s a really nice piece of hardware. Probably one of the best iPads they’ve ever released.
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