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Nov 23, 2012
Glad to hear you got a satisfactory replacement. Hope it works flawlessly for you.


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
I took photos of mine.

Is that out of box?

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
I could picture this happening.

I'm not sure why people think that this would be impossible, especially if there is a sudden change in temperature.

If they iPad is cool, then suddenly gets really hot, the aluminum will heat up quicker than the glass would, the difference in temps could cause warping.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
I could picture this happening.

I'm not sure why people think that this would be impossible, especially if there is a sudden change in temperature.

If they iPad is cool, then suddenly gets really hot, the aluminum will heat up quicker than the glass would, the difference in temps could cause warping.

The only issue is during charging the device suddenly doesn’t get that hot.
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Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
No way the iPad under normal conditions, could heat up enough to cause it to bend like the images posted above.

If the owner did not bend it then it was bent while being made.

The bend in the iPad in post 31 did not happen at the factory. Hell, you could not even get the lid on the box to close completely and this bend was induced by other means.


Oct 18, 2016
So let me preface this by saying I am a first time Apple Product buyer. I have worked on and owned older Apple products (tech guru) but never actually bought a NEW APPLE PRODUCT until now.

On December 27th I bought the new iPad Pro 11" 256GB LTE model from AT&T (my first mistake)! AT&T took it out of the box and immediately put it into the Type-Cover so I didn't immediately notice the bend. In fact I didn't notice the bend until the 29th.

What I did immediately notice was there where numerous software issues that while working with Chat Support resulted in me having to Erase all Content and Settings multiple times to finally resolve. Then the real problems started. While working with Chat support they had me remove the device from the keyboard case and that is when I first noticed the bend.

Initially the bend was rather minor, but I noticed that when they iPad was under heavy load it would get worse, a lot worse. In mine it was bending from around the middle of the Pencil connector diagonally to the USB-C connector with the corner of the screen bending forward (towards you as you are looking at it) but when it cooled off it would return to a more or less normal shape. (To be honest the bend virtually disappears when iPad is at normal temps).

Well that sounds like good news right? Wrong!

Because the extreme bending when under load it has caused a few hardware issues to arise (already). When I first power on the device with it in the keyboard case sitting in a fixed position I have 4 bars of LTE. Within 30 seconds that drops to 3 bars. Within about a minute that drops to 2 bars and in about 5 minutes that drops to 1 bar and Speedtest of 0.15mb/s if the Speedtest will even run. A reboot and it works perfectly again for a few minutes.

But this isn't just limited to LTE. I have noticed WiFi doing the same thing but less extreme. When I first boot up and connect to a strong WiFi it will be blazing fast for about 5 minutes then slowly start dropping in speed over a half hour or so before it just outright is unusable and has to be restarted.

One additional note I have now noticed. When I lose LTE or WiFi if I move the device (indoors) and return it to it's original location I lose LTE altogether and drop to 4G. If I move the device (outdoors) and return to it's original location I gain LTE signal back but it drops even faster than it does under a reboot.

I have, so far, spent 3 hours with Chat Support (3 different sessions), 5 visits to the local Apple Store, 3 hours on with Phone Support (talked to 3 different people) and was finally told by Phone Support 2 days ago that my local Apple Store would replace it for free. However, they claimed "they didn't have any in stock" and said they would "order one" and it would be here on January 2nd or 3rd.

Now here is where things get really interested! Yesterday (January 2nd) I went to the Apple Store (Woodfield Mall - Schaumburg, IL) and waited near the store until I saw the Fedex delivery of new iPads enter the store. A few minutes later I went and checked in and was told to wait. After about 10 minutes someone came and told me that my iPad hadn't come in yet but to they just received a shipment and it might be in there so hang out in the mall for a few hours. So I did, with most of the time I was hanging out being in the Apple Store.

Now I should note that on December 31st this store told me NO APPLE STORES IN THE AREA HAVE ANY IPAD PRO'S RIGHT NOW. They again told me on January 2nd they had no ipad pro's when I checked to see if mine had come in.

So as I am "hanging out" waiting to see if mine was in the shipment I watched a brand new ipad pro 11" 256gb (same as mine) be brought out and sold to an elderly lady that was sitting (literally) 2 foot from me. I got so freaking mad I just got up and left the store and mall. I was thinking, okay they will call me soon and tell me mine has arrived....NOPE....that call never came.

So today I am going back to the store, will be there when it opens, and finding a manager and raising hell until they not only replace my ipad but give me something extra for the lies, headache and ******** they have put me through!
Bwahaha. I hope they do not replace your ipad nor give you any compensation. They owe you NOTHING. Take care of your devices. Problem solved.

Also it being after Xmas and all, did you really expect them to have a night demand product in stock?
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macrumors G3
Mar 29, 2008
Well all you haters that thought I was lying or delusional are wrong! The Apple Store in Woodfield Mall (Schaumburg, IL) replaced it today due to the bending and the LTE/WiFi issues. The new one they gave me was getting 100mb/s on LTE in the store where as my old one got maybe 15mb/s in their store after a reboot.

Sadly the new one doesn't work at all on LTE in my motel where as the old one did! WTH am I cursed?

Oh and this screen capture of the email they sent after they replaced it clearly states the old one was "slightly bent". They never even tested the LTE/WiFi in store.
[doublepost=1546546971][/doublepost]So apparently the Replacement iPad Pro that I got from Apple Store this morning has been reported STOLEN to AT&T and is BLOCKED on the AT&T have got to be freaking kidding me! On 3 way with AT&T Support and Apple Support right now trying to fix this crap!

AT&T's Insurance Department Black Listed the wrong device (typed in the IMEI of a stolen iPad incorrectly) and blocked my ipad by mistake....all is fixed now thanks to the help of Apple Support helping figure it out!

Um... that receipt says Apple weren't able to reproduce the issue in store (the fact that the iPad was "bent."). It also says they granted you a one-time exception replacement. So that tells me they don't agree with your assessment, and were trying to appease you.

Based on your pictures, I agree with them.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2009
Um... that receipt says Apple weren't able to reproduce the issue in store (the fact that the iPad was "bent."). It also says they granted you a one-time exception replacement. So that tells me they don't agree with your assessment, and were trying to appease you.

Based on your pictures, I agree with them.
The receipt also states “cosmetic condition: slightly bent”. I imagine the issue they couldn’t reproduce (probably because these things are always intermittent anyway) was the connectivity issues the OP describes and which were also cited on the receipt.

The “cosmetic condition” statement is the geniuses assessment, not the customers.


macrumors member
Jun 16, 2018
Well, having to return and exchange of Apple products except the iPhone is almost an expected thing to me.

2018... exchanged 3 MBP, 2 iPads.
It’s like a freaking lottery.
They all work out okay, but I prefer not having to return/exchange in the first place.

Their QA department need some serious work.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 22, 2015
Such a BS thread. OP...your creative writing skills are good (not great). I’m in Chicago too and have a perfectly flat 11 that travels in my backpack on the L. Overblown.


macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
So let me preface this by saying I am a first time Apple Product buyer. I have worked on and owned older Apple products (tech guru) but never actually bought a NEW APPLE PRODUCT until now.

On December 27th I bought the new iPad Pro 11" 256GB LTE model from AT&T (my first mistake)! AT&T took it out of the box and immediately put it into the Type-Cover so I didn't immediately notice the bend. In fact I didn't notice the bend until the 29th.

What I did immediately notice was there where numerous software issues that while working with Chat Support resulted in me having to Erase all Content and Settings multiple times to finally resolve. Then the real problems started. While working with Chat support they had me remove the device from the keyboard case and that is when I first noticed the bend.

Initially the bend was rather minor, but I noticed that when they iPad was under heavy load it would get worse, a lot worse. In mine it was bending from around the middle of the Pencil connector diagonally to the USB-C connector with the corner of the screen bending forward (towards you as you are looking at it) but when it cooled off it would return to a more or less normal shape. (To be honest the bend virtually disappears when iPad is at normal temps).

Well that sounds like good news right? Wrong!

Because the extreme bending when under load it has caused a few hardware issues to arise (already). When I first power on the device with it in the keyboard case sitting in a fixed position I have 4 bars of LTE. Within 30 seconds that drops to 3 bars. Within about a minute that drops to 2 bars and in about 5 minutes that drops to 1 bar and Speedtest of 0.15mb/s if the Speedtest will even run. A reboot and it works perfectly again for a few minutes.

But this isn't just limited to LTE. I have noticed WiFi doing the same thing but less extreme. When I first boot up and connect to a strong WiFi it will be blazing fast for about 5 minutes then slowly start dropping in speed over a half hour or so before it just outright is unusable and has to be restarted.

One additional note I have now noticed. When I lose LTE or WiFi if I move the device (indoors) and return it to it's original location I lose LTE altogether and drop to 4G. If I move the device (outdoors) and return to it's original location I gain LTE signal back but it drops even faster than it does under a reboot.

I have, so far, spent 3 hours with Chat Support (3 different sessions), 5 visits to the local Apple Store, 3 hours on with Phone Support (talked to 3 different people) and was finally told by Phone Support 2 days ago that my local Apple Store would replace it for free. However, they claimed "they didn't have any in stock" and said they would "order one" and it would be here on January 2nd or 3rd.

Now here is where things get really interested! Yesterday (January 2nd) I went to the Apple Store (Woodfield Mall - Schaumburg, IL) and waited near the store until I saw the Fedex delivery of new iPads enter the store. A few minutes later I went and checked in and was told to wait. After about 10 minutes someone came and told me that my iPad hadn't come in yet but to they just received a shipment and it might be in there so hang out in the mall for a few hours. So I did, with most of the time I was hanging out being in the Apple Store.

Now I should note that on December 31st this store told me NO APPLE STORES IN THE AREA HAVE ANY IPAD PRO'S RIGHT NOW. They again told me on January 2nd they had no ipad pro's when I checked to see if mine had come in.

So as I am "hanging out" waiting to see if mine was in the shipment I watched a brand new ipad pro 11" 256gb (same as mine) be brought out and sold to an elderly lady that was sitting (literally) 2 foot from me. I got so freaking mad I just got up and left the store and mall. I was thinking, okay they will call me soon and tell me mine has arrived....NOPE....that call never came.

So today I am going back to the store, will be there when it opens, and finding a manager and raising hell until they not only replace my ipad but give me something extra for the lies, headache and ******** they have put me through!

Return it for a full refund then order a brand new unit. Would have been quicker than typing out all of your dubious post.


macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
Dayum that is hella bent....basically what mine looked like under heavy load but right now looks almost normal!

I am actually running a benchmark on mine right now trying to get it to bend again!

I’m sorry but there is no way the iPad would bend that way from “heavy load”. It would take some serious temperatures (you probably wouldn’t be able to hold it) and iPad never gets that hot - even under serious load. The iPad on the picture in the post you quoted was bent with physical force. By hand, in a bag or something else - this was not caused by heat.

And even if in some weird scenario heat did bend it that much - it wouldn’t “revert” to normal when it cooled off. Metal doesn’t work that way.

I can’t even see the bend in the pictures you posted, let alone some extreme bending. And you conveniently didn’t take photos while it was extremely bent.

What you’re saying is simply not true.

The fact Apple replaced your iPad does not prove your incredible thermal shapeshifting description. It, actually, proves nothing - which makes sense, because your story is impossible.
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macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2010
My aluminium 17 inch MacBook used to warp back in the day while using... I’m not an expert like you all claim to be... but I know that metal changes shape when it gets warm
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