Man your either lucky or just not sensitive as I am but my Pro has random performance hiccups that are plain sad on a device of this caliber. Luckily I think Apple is still optimizing for the A10X chipset. The Air 2 performance in iOS 11 looks swell and that chipset is going on 3+ years of optimiziations. Can’t wait to see where the A10X goes in 3-4 months let alone 3 years.iOS 11 has been the greatest update Apple has ever made, especially after the 11.1 update for better battery.
All my iOS devices except the iPod 5 (see my signature) all have been updated to iOS 11.1.1 and work better than any iOS version before.
My only grievance is how the home button still has to be clicked to open my iPad, (even with “rest to open” on it will occasionally still require it.)