I was surprised by that myself. I don't recall having this issue with my Mini, but then that iPad's screen area is a lot smaller so it could be I just never noticed.I can't keep the Pro screen clean
I was surprised by that myself. I don't recall having this issue with my Mini, but then that iPad's screen area is a lot smaller so it could be I just never noticed.
I'm contemplating a zagg screen protector myself.
Hard to say without looking, but the cloth you are using might not be that effective compared to others sold out there, you may need to wash the cloth right now or buy more than one. I am positive one cloth is not enough (fortunately they are cheap), and after a year the few I bought might need to be replaced from what I can tell. I also take care to always wash my hands and keep the fingernails as short as possible.I use a microfiber cloth before each use. The issue is that it instantly smudges again. I don't want to wipe the screen every minute.
I also use this when the screen is really bad: https://www.klearscreen.com/
You need to wash the cloth to prevent this:I agree ! I have a Microfiber cloth and while it cleans the screen the cloth itself accumulates so much of dirt that it next time retransfers it back to the screen.
I came from an Air 2 with a tempered glass protector to the 10.5" Pro with no protector. I can't keep the Pro screen clean. As soon as I start using it, I see smudges on the screen. It also seems like particles in the air adhere to it more. Has anyone else noticed this? I heard on a podcast that it was because of a coating they applied for the Pencil. I'm not sure if that's true or not. It's really annoying.
There a couple of cell phone companies in South East Asia mainly China companies like One Plus 5 and Oppo which sell their products their cell phone with a screen guard put on the phone right out of the box directly from the company and it is so brilliantly put on the phone that you don't even notice anything is there and the screen quality is still brilliant even with the screen guard on. I think even Apple should start doing it for all its touch devices will save the consumers from the headache of smudges and finger prints !
If Apple started doing this and applying screen guards on the iPhones before they ship, I think you would find out it would apply more cost to the consumer. The consumer typically likes their preference of what they apply for a screen protector, aside from those who don't use screen protectors, depending on what type of case they use as well.
I also would question how long the screen guards would actually last after real world usage before they start to show their age from constant use.
Yes. With me it comes down to being more aware, I too came from a 1st gen mini. Fingerprints, smudges all show up clearly on this beautiful screen. Using the pencil for navigation reduces a lot of hand-screen contact and I ignore it most of the time apart from a daily wipe.I was surprised by that myself. I don't recall having this issue with my Mini, but then that iPad's screen area is a lot smaller so it could be I just never noticed.
I can't keep the Pro screen clean.
It's not a fact. It is however a fact that all Apple's iPads with the anti-reflective coating exhibit this issue. Pretty much everything since the Air 2 with the exception of the new iPad 2017. I have the Pro and the 2017, the 2017 doesn't exhibit the problem.Yep, I see now what you all have been complaining: I had to use my cloth at least 3-4 times yesterday. Even with proper lighting conditions that hide this, I could still see the smudges against a black background and this is either normal and happening very often or the cloth is not effective anymore (a strong possibility).
Since I keep a cloth with me all the time I am always cleaning, but it's a fact that iPAD screens are always that way.
I don't seem to have this problem but check out this cloth. Man does it work like magic. Breathe on a speck on screen then use texture side to clean then smooth side to buff. Even just general cleaning it works great. Also use it for my glasses and MacBook Pro.
I do not seem to get more finger prints than my previous iPads but the 10.5 is much hard to remove them. Used to just use a micro-fiber cloth but now it takes some type of liquid to completely remove them.
Which brand screen protector do you use?This is exactly why I use a matte screen protector. I know some are worried about a degradation in display quality, but having an always smooth, fingerprint free screen (that works much better with the Apple Pencil) is worth it IMHO.
I do not seem to get more finger prints than my previous iPads but the 10.5 is much harder to remove them. Used to just use a micro-fiber cloth but now it takes some type of liquid to completely remove them.
I find impossible to use the iPAD Pro 9.7 without cleaning every 2-3 days.
Still it always has fingerprint smudges. ALWAYS. What I don't use anymore is a screen protector, in my opinion that will devalue the benefits we get from a naked screen, such as image quality and low screen reflectance.