I don't believe that there is a batch capability, nor the application of custom presets. If I'm traveling and planning on processing possibly a couple of hundred RAW images at the end of each day, I take my laptop.
And that was my point. Without batch-edit capability, the usefulness of a RAW editing program on the iPad Pro is very limited to me.
I have never ever found one set of adjustment can be applied to all photos and in some cases it makes the job of adjusting photos even slower. Having said that, if they add this feature into Lightroom iOS I wouldn’t mind.
Let's say that I have 300 24MP images to go through from a sports shoot. That's probably about 20-30 discreet "moments" that I've tried to capture, with 5-10 shots each. Even for posed group shots, I'll take 3-5 pictures to ensure that an eye blink, or something else doesn't spoil the moment.
Stage 1: Gross Cull
I load the whole shebang into Camera RAW. Press Del to mark an image for deletion, and down-arrow if I want to keep it. After eliminating obvious out-of-focus shots, or serious composition problems, I'm left with 120-150 images. Exit and reload to get rid of the images marked for deletion.
Stage 2: Gross Color Correction
Select all images and apply a standard white balance. Then select all of the pics in each "moment" and color-correct them to the first image in that sequence.
Stage 3: Fine Cull
Go through each image individually and either mark them for deletion, or give them a star rating if there is more than one good shot per moment. Crop where I think it's needed. Exit and reload.
Stage 4: Final Corrections/Selections
This is where I do my final per-image color corrections, and they're typically small things like a lightening the shadows a tiny bit, or pulling down a blown highlight. I'll also play more with cropping.
Stage 5: Save Out
Select each star-rated image and save them all together with a job-specific, or moment-specific filename.
Now, for a 300-image shoot, this might take 1.5-2 hours. But if I can't do a simultaneous batch-correction for steps 1-2 (or especially step 5), then it would easily take 3-4 hours (with longer sanity breaks in-between). So it doesn't matter if my iPad is a bit faster at loading and showing changes to single images, because it's the batch-edit capability of Camera RAW (or any other program capable of this) that allows me to complete 4-5 such processing runs in a day instead of just two.