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I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.

OK I admit that I don't know everything about browsers and I hadn't looked closely at WebKit's definition of a page cache. Reading it properly it says that the page cache is used to 'pause' a page when the user leaves it so that it can be very quickly re-displayed when the user presses the back button. That does sound like it could also be used for swapping between browser windows on the iPad.

However a quick experiment should show whether the 26Kb limit on the page cache is causing the reloading problem. Take two pages, one and two. Measure their sizes (in this case 65Kbs and 33Kbs, just for the HTML), load them on an iPad in separate windows and see if you can swap between them. On my iPad this works fine with no reloading so I'd conclude that the small page-cache isn't the complete answer to the page reloading problem.

Look, I'm not saying that the page refreshing isn't annoying however throwing around 'answers' that haven't been proven doesn't help anyone.
Atomic Browser does all those things and only $0.99.

Jailbreak your iPad and install iFile = $0.00

- Using iFile, navigate to '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/', then create a new file and name it '', set the 'owner' as 'root' and the 'group' as 'wheel', the rest leave them at default.
- Copy the lines below, then go back into iFile and paste them as the content of the earlier created file. Now save the file and close iFile.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

- Now still using iFile, navigate to "/Library/Preferences/" or "/private/var/preferences/" and create a file named "" with he same properties as the other one.
- Copy and paste this into the new file, then save it:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">

- Now reboot/restart your iPad, and you are good to go.

To check if this is working right, open iFile back up, then navigate to '/private/var/vm/' and see if you have a file called swapfile0 that is 64MB in size.

The plist are in accordance to Apple's open-source codes, and the dynamic_pager plist was referenced from Mac OSX's version of the same plist, so you can guess that this is the absolute right way to do it. There shouldn't be any problem using it like this.
I too was frustrated with the reloading. Try The Atomic Browser app. It has tabbed browsing, bookmark bar, and doesn't have the annoying refresh issue. Behaves like a desktop browser, with lots of customization options.

It's my favorite app. $0.99

No, I'm not related to the developer. Just like the app.

Yup. Atomic Browser.

And write to:
Icab. Works great. Other browsers do as well, Perfect, Atomic but icab also looks pretty ;).
Why do you have to open 4-5 tabs? Just click a link, read the story, and click on back.

I have a very slow EDGE connection sometimes only GPRS. It is a very convenient thing to open tabs in the background and have them loading so when I finish reading one page the others are already on my device. For example when I read a MR forum I may load things 5 pages ahead of time and it makes it seem like I am not ever waiting.

This works especially well for streaming video and is the only way I am able to use it.
It depends on what you are doing and your preferences.

On my desktop, I usually have three or four tabs open at a time. But when doing certain photographic research of an adult nature, I have had up to 80 open at a time.

On the iPad, it is not unusual that I would have 4-6 open at a time, and I find that it can handle this without any problems. For intense picture browsing, I would use a browser with real tabs, like PERFECT, iCab or Atomic. Those can do background tabs as well.

Ahh! Thanks for clarifying. So, what the OP is really upset about porn surfing.
atomic web browser

have you tired atomic web browsers, it has tabs, open in background, it rocks.
AtomicBrowser has huge functions, but an UGLY user interface. And what about that orrible icon?
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