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Original poster
Jan 14, 2010
Ok so this is a bit of a rant but I can't help it. Whenever I go to Barnes & Noble (yes I still read physical media) their freaking Nook booth just annoys me to no end. As an iPad owner, I'm curious what other iPad owners say to these guys. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight? J/k, I just can't justify two tablet type devices. Chime in peeps :D
My GF loves her Nook. She has no interest in an iPad. Too big and heavy for an e-reader she says. Plus e-ink for text causes much less eye strain.

Just because the iPad can do many of the things other single-function devices do doesn't mean they do all of them better.
Ok so this is a bit of a rant but I can't help it. Whenever I go to Barnes & Noble (yes I still read physical media) their freaking Nook booth just annoys me to no end. As an iPad owner, I'm curious what other iPad owners say to these guys. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight? J/k, I just can't justify two tablet type devices. Chime in peeps :D

The nook is pretty cool for an e reader. If all I wanted to do was read I'd be all about it. That being said I love my iPad.

It's priceless to me that there was a nook ad at the bottom of the page when I read this! Haha
Ok so this is a bit of a rant but I can't help it. Whenever I go to Barnes & Noble (yes I still read physical media) their freaking Nook booth just annoys me to no end. As an iPad owner, I'm curious what other iPad owners say to these guys. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight? J/k, I just can't justify two tablet type devices. Chime in peeps :D

I had a B&N Nook and it was a very good e-reader so I have nothing but love for that device. The only thing I miss is being able to read my e-books outside in the bright sun. The Nook pwns the iPad in that regard.
The Nook is good for what it does. I intended to keep mine when I bought my iPad. However, after reading a book on the iPad, I experienced no eyestrain and appreciate the fact that I don't have to struggle with an external LED light when reading in the dark. The Nook went promptly on eBay and I'm even more thrilled that B&N released an iPad reader for books that I purchased from them.
I have an iPad and a nook (among other ereaders) and I prefer them over the iPad for general reading. e-ink is especially great under direct light and the compactness of the hardware makes it easier to hold for longer periods.
Yeah that all makes sense. The iPad for me isn't primarily a reading device, but I do like the bookstore and I use the amazon reader too. It's just fun to hear their argument when you say you have an iPad. And is it just me or did the booth go up at pretty much exactly the same time as the iPad release? I'm not trying to hate on b&n, they really are my favorite bookstore (maybe just because of the starbucks, though...). The reading devices do look awesome in sunlight though. Standing in line for the 3G iPad the guy next to me was reading his kindle and it did look nice for that application. Wait, that's what I'll say to them- "Nook, there's an app for that" :D
I have both, and they aren't really competing devices. The Nook is far better for reading and is much lighter and more compact. It's a great pool side device (an area where the iPad utterly fails). Sure, it's a one trick pony, but it does that trick very well. The iPad is more well rounded device with a great set of features, but you pay for that in size and screen technology.
I had a nook but it was stolen, I now have an ipad and a kobo. The kobo is so light, lighter than an actual book, plus it's cheap so I don't have to worry about getting damaged outside etc, great little e-reader. The ipad is good for reading at night but I often get distracted by the web. To me they live very harmoniously.
I had a nook but it was stolen, I now have an ipad and a kobo. The kobo is so light, lighter than an actual book, plus it's cheap so I don't have to worry about getting damaged outside etc, great little e-reader. The ipad is good for reading at night but I often get distracted by the web. To me they live very harmoniously.

Yeah, I knew this device was coming out; awesome price. If I were to buy a dedicated reader this would be very compelling. How you like the UI?
Yeah, I knew this device was coming out; awesome price. If I were to buy a dedicated reader this would be very compelling. How you like the UI?

The UI is ok. It's easy to find a book and you can easily go to the letter with a quick alphabet menu along the top. The thing is with ereaders is that you spend 99% of your time in the book so UI really doesn't matter that much. The page turning is still a bit slow, but most ereaders are like that. There's a firmware update coming that might help with that. I've used a nook, kindle and kobo and the kobo is without a doubt the best to hold and read for long periods of time.
The UI is ok. It's easy to find a book and you can easily go to the letter with a quick alphabet menu along the top. The thing is with ereaders is that you spend 99% of your time in the book so UI really doesn't matter that much. The page turning is still a bit slow, but most ereaders are like that. There's a firmware update coming that might help with that. I've used a nook, kindle and kobo and the kobo is without a doubt the best to hold and read for long periods of time.

Well that might be the most important thing...thx jgunn.
With regard to the one function they have in common, it's personal preference. I prefer the iPad for reading. But why take it out on a $7/hr employee? :p
With regard to the one function they have in common, it's personal preference. I prefer the iPad for reading. But why take it out on a $7/hr employee? :p

HAHA! It's good for them, trust me. If you want the sale then SELL me, don't B.S. me! People in sales can appreciate this; I LIKE to be sold something. But it rarely happens. Ok, rant over! Maybe...
I wait for a group of people to be at the booth and then I go over and ask for the free weekly book code. They will start to say that you need to do it from my home computer, but I say, thanks, but I can do it right from my iPad. As I walk away, I will usually hear a couple ask about the iPad to the girl working the booth. :D
I wait for a group of people to be at the booth and then I go over and ask for the free weekly book code. They will start to say that you need to do it from my home computer, but I say, thanks, but I can do it right from my iPad. As I walk away, I will usually hear a couple ask about the iPad to the girl working the booth. :D

And then you woke up?
I have a Kindle and an iPad.

The kindle is FAR superior as an ebook reader. It's far lighter, easier to hold, far better screen for reading text (indoor and out).

They are very different products with different purposes and both are very good but the Kindle (and Nook, etc) are dedicated devices. The iPad can do a lot more but in order to do that loses out to the Kindle as an e-reader.
They had some on display at Best Buy. I get the whole e-ink thing now, but I did not quite like the overall feel of the nook. It is nice to actually getit hands on, I will never consider a Kindle because I have yet to see or hold one. Touching an ipad was what sold me.
My husband has a Nook, I'm pretty jealous of it. While it's not exactly feature-rich, subsequent firmware upgrades have helped a lot, it's got built in 3G, and the eink is nice and crisp. But the thing that makes me jealous is the ergonomic feel, the curved back just makes it very comfortable for holding for long stretches. Been thinking about unloading my Sony e-reader on eBay and getting a Nook instead.

I don't think the Nook and the iPad are competing devices, since I would own both. Even though I keep loading all my ebooks on the iPad just in case, I never get more than a few pages in before I grab the Sony. E-ink is much easier on my eyes.
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