Not got a Nook, but a Sony PRS505... E-ink, nah, not convinced, too low contrast. I find it more of a strain to the eyes than LCD. And sloooowwwww...
Anyone want to buy it?
Anyone want to buy it?
I have a Kindle and an iPad.
The kindle is FAR superior as an ebook reader. It's far lighter, easier to hold, far better screen for reading text (indoor and out).
They are very different products with different purposes and both are very good but the Kindle (and Nook, etc) are dedicated devices. The iPad can do a lot more but in order to do that loses out to the Kindle as an e-reader.
Yeah that all makes sense. The iPad for me isn't primarily a reading device, but I do like the bookstore and I use the amazon reader too. It's just fun to hear their argument when you say you have an iPad. And is it just me or did the booth go up at pretty much exactly the same time as the iPad release?
I saw the Nook booth at the NYC Union Square B&N last December back before the iPad was even announced.
Not got a Nook, but a Sony PRS505... E-ink, nah, not convinced, too low contrast. I find it more of a strain to the eyes than LCD. And sloooowwwww...
Anyone want to buy it?
They had some on display at Best Buy. I get the whole e-ink thing now, but I did not quite like the overall feel of the nook. It is nice to actually getit hands on, I will never consider a Kindle because I have yet to see or hold one. Touching an ipad was what sold me.