On an aside, I hope they let you increase the number of icons in the rows and columns to five or six.
Agreed and I'm assuming they do rotate. If not the the Home Screen is portrait only and Steve is incorrect by saying there is no wrong way to hold it(at least for the Home screen).
Also if this is correct (Home doesn't rotate) then all wallpaper should be 1024x768.
It clearly rotates in the videos of it being used, we've established this.
We've also established that it's 1024 x 1024, as I believe people have confirmed this on the iPad Simulator.
I don't know where do you get your information but what you said about Dpi is WRONG.
Dpi IS NOT a term related only to printing at all. It just means as it names states DOTS PER INCH and is just a measuring method of dot density per inch vertically and horizontally. It is also called Ppi (Points per inch) which is synonymous.
It IS NOT limited in use to the subject of printing be that desktop printing or the printing press. I'm a professional graphic artist with more than 25 years of experience in the field and I have done desktop publishing for many, many of those years and I'm also a web developer with several years of working in a the field and I absolutely know that the term is not related to printing only.
The fact that you often hear the term around the subject of printing doesn't mean by any measure that it is related only to printing and I don't know where you have been in the last three decades but I have been learning computers in them and my first PC was a TRS-80 PC a long time ago and I've been reading computer magazines, computers manuals, computer books and the Internet all those years and so you know my favorite area of study in computers is graphics, of all kinds and I know I've seen the term Dpi used in countless, countless occasions related to computer displays.
A computer display does have a Dpi measure but it is not used that frequently because it's variable an in printing if you have a printer that has for example a maximum of 600 Dpi resolution it will always print at that resolution if it is set like that at the printer driver. Printer resolution can be used at a lower Dpi by setting it as such through the printer driver but they are many times used at their maximum resolution but not always. With a CRT your Dpi will vary according to total resolution (such as 1600 x 1200).
Today LCD displays are usually used at a fixed resolution (usually the maximum) because at other resolutions their quality degrades much more than with CRT monitors but at their maximum resolution they are way sharper and crisper than most any CRT if their quality is not abysmal so their Dpi resolution is mostly fixed at the maximum.
Old CRT monitors can look pretty good at their different resolutions but overall they do not look as sharp as LCDs at the maximum or optimal resolution as it is also called. Despite this, LCD resolution can vary just like in CRT by changing the resolution settings of you graphic card and when you do that you effectively change the Dpi resolution of the display so in a computer monitor the display can have a variable Dpi resolution.
Computer displays do have a Dpi resolution, what happens is that at the moment that is usually much lower than in printers and in the printing press it is way higher because they use imagesetters instead of regular desktop printers and those print at way higher Dpi resolution than regular desktop printers. Imagesetters can print usually between 1200 Dpi and 4800 Dpi.
Computer displays have usually been between 72 Dpi and 96 Dpi but at the moment that is starting to change because of the new HD monitors that people are starting to use and becoming higher and the IPad is such an example with 132 Dpi resolution and that is due to its relatively small display size (when compared to desktop monitors) vs its total resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
If Dpi or Ppi is not used when talking about computer displays then why Apple has the Ipad listed as a device with 132 Ppi in their web site in the tech specifications of the device? Your information about Dpi is not completely correct. One immediate use of Dpi information is comparing the quality and readability of computer displays with a printed page which at the moment is way higher but it has other uses.
Yes, Dpi information in something like a wallpaper is relatively irrelevant because in wallpapers what matters the most is the total resolution and yes it doesn't matter what Dpi they have because you could set the Dpi information differently at the moment of saving the file when you change your page size or when you change the Dpi information of the file. When displaying such an image as wallpaper you will see it exactly the same because only the total resolution of the image will matter at the desktop but the file does contain the Dpi information as you saved it and an image editor and other programs can read and interpret that information and this does have some uses but it would take me too long to explain it here but believe me it does.
Now, with different monitors in desktop computers Dpi will vary but in the IPad it won't because the display is set at a fixed resolution and by it being at a fixed resolution and a fixed physical size its Dpi resolution will always be 132 Dpi. Those older applications for the IPhone can be shown with a small screen or at double size but the IPad display has a consistent 132 Dpi resolution. When Apple lists the Dpi information of the IPad it doesn't do it for wallpapers, it does it for physical comparison to the resolution of other devices or the resolution of other things.
Like I said before, the subject of total resolution vs Dpi resolution vs the physical size of the display or page is a subject where there is still a lot of confusion, but there is a lot of information about it in different places on the Internet, it just takes a little while to understand and use all those terms correctly.
Could you post a link to a video?
I understand that and I have an idea of how a 1024 x 1024 wallpaper may work but I have a question, if a person makes a 1024 x 768 wallpaper what will the device do with it? Will the device crop the wallpaper automatically or letterbox it?
Because this has to do with the fact that there are a gazillion wallpapers already designed at 1024 x 768 resolution because it was a common resolution of the old displays and if the device can be made to work just fine with them people don't have to wait for more IPad specific wallpapers and can use those in the meantime.
What exactly does the device does with a wallpaper that is 1024 x 768? And is there a setting in the machine that allows the user to prevent it from rotating the wallpaper automatically if a person doesn't care about the rotation and wants for example a 1024 x 768 wallpaper that stays in landscape mode or in portrait mode?
Why do I ask or why I would want that? Because you could for example create a wallpaper at 1024 x 768 that has a nice texture and for example put a pretty Apple logo silver apple at a corner diagonally as some modern designers do and it would look good at either orientation without any rotation at all, do you see?
The question is what are the choices that the user has with this? Or it is just the use of a 1024 x 1024 wallpaper that always rotate forcefully? And is that it?
In the video it is clearly cropping and keeping the correct aspect ratio and geometry so it looks like 1024x1024 is correct.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyjEb3hQKeA
Happens in the opening 2 seconds - blink and you'll miss it!
I assume it'll work the same as the iPhone. You pick an image out of your photo library and then it comes up with a bounding box and you can scale or crop the image to fit into the bounding box accordingly. So if it's 1024x768, I assume you would either scale the image up to fit into the resolution, or you would add black bars on the 768 side of the image.
Where does Apple state the wallpaper should be 1024x768 and what do you mean by "...it will just switch..."? Do you mean you must have a separate portrait 768x1024 and landscape 1024x768 copy of each wallpaper and it switches between them when you rotate?tl;dr
interface lift shows 1024x1024
apple shows 1024x768
as far as rotation goes, it will just switch between 1024x768 and 768x1024..
interface lift shows 1024x1024
apple shows 1024x768
as far as rotation goes, it will just switch between 1024x768 and 768x1024..