It looks like pretty much every other iPad demo video on the internet.
Except they're building it using Flex (Adobe's SDK for Flash/AIR)
And testing it on a non-iPad device. I hope this doesn't mean they think they're going to be able to deliver the same experience as using XCode.
They've said it will export to an iPad & iPhone format easily. So long as it runs as smoothly on the iPad as it does in the video, I'll be more than happy with it!
It doesn't [run smoothly], at least not in its current form. Search for Flash CS4 export to iPhone and see the apps in the app store now that use this method. They are not up to par for whatever reason.
Looks incredible, and I'm so glad they decided to incorporate beautiful full-page ads more like a print magazine, as opposed to tacky web ads.
Very good point. A good, true ad is interesting, and gets you to want the product. Think Apple, think budweiser Clydesdale ads, think the new intel ads.
Most web ads (Flashed based BTW) make most people want to jam a fork into their eye.
Just like content providers have to step up their content for the iPad, marketers should as well.
Love the Wired deal all around.
This is what I am actually MOST excited about regarding the iPad, a new dynamic periodical model.
Everybody wins: it's cheaper to produce, it's more convenient to 'carry around' a dozen periodicals for reading whether you are around the house or traveling, and it's 'greener' for the environment (if you care about that).
This was not mentioned in the keynote, but once this idea goes viral, more people will consider an iPad or similar device.
It looks nice but I wish there was a single app for viewing/purchasing magazines/newspapers like iBooks.