Okay, so I am sure we are all sick to the back teeth of hearing a billion and one people who don't even own iPad yet, deriding it's features (or supposed lack thereof) before the device has even gone on sale. One feature I hear people moan about a lot, is probably the very one that is the most unlikely candidate for iPad, as it's use would be almost impossible, and pretty ridiculous...
The webcam!.
Okay, so you're on a web chat to someone on iPad, and you think you're gonna hold iPad rock steady for the entire length of the chat?. I don't think so, somehow. There are a billion and one people whining about there being no webcam, but I bet a tiny percentage of them are tech designers, and even less have thought it through properly.
You would have to hold the iPad rigid, pointing squarely at the subject, for the entire length of the call, or... rest it against a wall?... I think NOT!. You see, it's a different situation on an iMac or MacBook, where the device is either sitting on a firm desk, or on your lap, where the camera is pretty much firmly positioned for the majority of the time, unless you adjust your posture or move your chair / adjust the MacBook screen.
iPad + webcam = failure of design. Think about it, complainers - you'd have to be an idiot to design it into a device like this.
No doubt if Apple had included a camera/webcam you would be praising them for it. Fanboys make baby jesus cry.