That does not sound promising, does restoring to factory setting wipe the drive? or is it just a hard reset? I dont mind going a bit bigger than the WD mypassport wireless pro but I do not see anything out that remotely in that size range. I could go up to the size of a largish wireless router. the only thing i have seen thus far that is similarly portable is seperate from the hard drive and you have to connect a hard drive to it, I forget the brand. I dont mind going bigger than the WD but I have not found anything so far if anyone has PORTABLE suggestions as described above please post.
The Plex settings and database are stored in the main drive so I did the factory reset plus drive erase. Unfortunately, portability (battery + low power) plus low price point means cheap, relatively underpowered CPU and small RAM.
Personally, I still use a laptop for my portable Plex server for international travel. It's just more flexible and previous testing of WD My Passport Wireless Pro has shown it's not quite stable with Plex. The WD PWP does seem to work well as simple DLNA or Samba server with Infuse, though. Besides, there are still websites, etc. that don't play nice with the iPad so I find it useful to have a laptop for those occasions.
Mind, you haven't actually defined what you meant by
portable. Technically, at around 5 lbs with dual HDDs, I can carry something like this in my luggage:
Qnap 2-Bay, 8TB(2x4TB NAS Drive) Intel 2.0GHz Quad-Core CPU (TS-251+-8G-24R-US)
When I purchased the WD PWP, my use case was in car entertainment for relatively short trips (didn't really need the laptop for those) with an eye towards replacing the laptop for longer travel. Alas, due to recent health issues, haven't really gone on a lot of road trips of late. Initial observations? Aside, from Plex being unstable, the WD PWP is also particularly sensitive to potholes.
He means to reformat the drive.
I'm telling you the WD Mypassport would make a poor choice. Buy it and see for yourself.
Meanwhile my 4-bay NAS is portable and is 5 yrs old. You get what you pay for.
Again, please note that the WD My Passport Wireless Pro is not just a simple external HDD. It has a Realtek RTD1195 Dual Cortex-A7 SoC and 512MB RAM and is a self-contained mini-computer running Linux in its own right. It's actually faster than some older NAS before NAS became synonymous with media servers. When I said factory reset, I did mean factory reset. It's not just a simple drive reformat via Windows.
That said, yes, the WD PWP is a pretty poor choice as Plex server.