It usually shouldn't take too long. I would let it sit for a few minutes, and then if it doesn't fully boot, then perform a hard reboot on the phone (hold the lock/home buttons until the phone reboots), and hopefully it will bypass the "connect to iTunes" screen, so you can download bootneuter.
Still saying it's locked. May I ask what the springboard is? Because even after I apparently installed Cydia successfully, all I got was the screen telling me to plug in to itunes and the emergency call option. Nothing else.![]()
Still saying it's locked. May I ask what the springboard is? Because even after I apparently installed Cydia successfully, all I got was the screen telling me to plug in to itunes and the emergency call option. Nothing else.![]()
As I've said, I live in Australia and have no access to an AT&T simcard unfortunately.
If I managed to get my hands on an AT&T sim (buying off ebay or something) would that help? Then perhaps I could activate the phone legitimately, before I JB and whatnot.
If I managed to get my hands on an AT&T sim (buying off ebay or something) would that help? Then perhaps I could activate the phone legitimately, before I JB and whatnot.
No, I have no friends with an AT&T simcard because AT&T is not in Australia.
I've been trying it with my own simcard (active Optus pre-paid) and it just won't work so I don't know why it would work with any other Australian one. I will try the whole process again tonight, but I have no idea why it's not working so far even though it seems to get through redsn0w fine.![]()
Well, I'm not even sure why jmann was asking about the AT&T sim.![]()
Because the iPhone 2G is locked to AT&T.
Everywhere? Sorry, but I didn't own a 2G.
I'm a she, not a he, by the way.
I've just done the restore and jb again, because today (after giving up trying to get it to work) I stuck my sim in an old Motorola razr I had lying around, and I got a message from my carrier saying "Thank you for choosing us with your iphone!", which I found really odd. So I've since attempted to get it working again - itunes is asking me to restore the phone again unfortunately, but strangely enough it is now coming up with the IMEI and serial numbers of the iphone in itunes, when before it just said "n/a" in that field. Does anyone know why this might be? I am not sure if I should restore it again, because obviously I will then have to go through redsn0w again.