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Jul 7, 2009
Has anyone noticed decreased battery life after a jailbreak? I don't have any apps installed that I think should be battery hogs, only

Pandora Controls
5 Icon Dock

Are any of these known to drain the battery? I may be making things up but it seems like I have having to charge it more often since the JB. Any way to tell whats using processor or resources to help troubleshoot?
Has anyone noticed decreased battery life after a jailbreak? I don't have any apps installed that I think should be battery hogs, only

Pandora Controls
5 Icon Dock

Are any of these known to drain the battery? I may be making things up but it seems like I have having to charge it more often since the JB. Any way to tell whats using processor or resources to help troubleshoot?
I've noticed a decrease in battery life after jailbreaking my s, I only have 5 icon dock and backgrounder installed- but nothing running I'm the background.
I've had amazing battery life prior to JB today. So I will have to monitor the next few days. Like without winterboard is pretty boring so hopefully battery life stays good.
I've monitored by battery after the redsn0w 0.8 jailbreak. I didn't notice any difference. I'm on a 3GS.
I've noticed a difference

I jailbroke my 3GS a few days ago now and I gotta say there's a difference in my battery life. The only app thats running in the background now is SBSettings which may be the culprit but I can't be sure. Other than that I don't have an explanation. Is this normal with iPhone jailbreaks?

Edit: I also have StatusNotifier installed, which I guess is also in the background, but that can't be juicing the battery can it?
SBsettings shouldn't be your culprit, i had that on my itouch and i thought that was the reason for decreased battery life but i uninstalled it and there was no significant difference. I guess jailbreaking your iphone in general wastes battery which seems odd
Last week I used redsnow to jailbreak my 2G phone and noticed the battery only lasted about 5 hours. I restored the phone and the battery life was normal.

I then used pwnage tool and the battery life is normal. Not sure what Redsnow is doing but something is not working right. I found lots of other people with battery problems also on Google.
Last week I used redsnow to jailbreak my 2G phone and noticed the battery only lasted about 5 hours. I restored the phone and the battery life was normal.

I then used pwnage tool and the battery life is normal. Not sure what Redsnow is doing but something is not working right. I found lots of other people with battery problems also on Google.

Had your exact problem...redsnow gave me awful battery life and it wouldnt give me a cellular signal for some reason (on at&t)

I restored and used purplerain and my battery life is fine now.
I did notice that SSH being tuned off in SBSettings seemed to help. I only have SBSettings, Five Icon Dock, and Backgrounder on my 3GS.
I did notice that SSH being tuned off in SBSettings seemed to help. I only have SBSettings, Five Icon Dock, and Backgrounder on my 3GS.

I keep that off too and seems to be holding fine all day

here is an update on my 3gs

took off charger at 9am...its now almost 5pm.

few calls, 2hrs of ipod music, 20/30 emails, web n text a little and I'm at 75%

my usage has - 's now and not showing numbers since JB :confused:

anyone know why?
yeah my battery life seems have gone down which is weird but not bad
has redsn0w hurt my battery life & stops iphone receiving calls?

I'm on iPhone 3G OS 3.0 jailbroken with redsn0w & official UK O2 carrier

After upgrading to 3.0 and jailbreaking using redsn0w my phone receives only 50% of calls (the rest go straight to answerphone), texts arrive hours late, battery doesn't last as long as previous OS and phone back becomes hot with continued usage.

I have tried turning off Push, reset network settings, updating Mobile Substrate, uninstalling some addons such as imobilecinema and SBsettings and then rebooting my phone.

None of my actions have made a difference to the issues mentioned. I'm looking for a solution that does not require me to un-jailbreak my phone.

I'm trying to establish whether this can specifically attributed to redsn0w (I used vers. 0.7.2) or if other jailbreak apps have the same effect. That is I have assumed that redsn0w is the cause of my issues, but would like to keep my phone jailbroken.

Also I want to avoid using Quickpwn as I don't want to unlock the phone, merely jailbreak.

I will do a full restore to official 3.0, wait a couple of days, and then re-jailbreak (using redsn0w 0.8.0) (Pwnage tool keeps throwing up various 16xx errors when trying to restore) and report if this sheds any light on this issue.

Any feedback from jailbroken people with this issue would be appreciated.
It does that when you reset the springboard. It will return to normal after charging to full.

oh, thanks for the info... that solves that problem:D

but i'm still concerned my battery is not holding the same charge as it did a week ago, but no one here on MR seems to be talking about this so maybe i'm in the minority on this
oh, thanks for the info... that solves that problem:D

but i'm still concerned my battery is not holding the same charge as it did a week ago, but no one here on MR seems to be talking about this so maybe i'm in the minority on this
Im noticing a decrease of battery holding and performance. Guess its time to go back!
I've noticed that my battery life isn't nearly as long either since using redsn0w on my 3G. The phone is also REALLY laggy - sometimes it takes up to 2 or 3 seconds before I can flip to another page, and it always takes at least several extra seconds when it boots or when I hold the button in order to shut it down (and shutdown takes longer too.)

Has anyone else noticed this? I'm about ready to restore my phone...jailbreaking isn't worth it if I have to deal with this kind of slowdown.
i have noticed poor battery life after jailbreaking my iPhone 3GS. i used purplera1n.

on standby, my phone is fine. but when i wake it, almost everytime i lose 1% in battery life. i have SSH turned off in SBSettings, no bluetooth enabled, or anything that should be sucking the life out of it running in the background that i know of.

any ideas on this issue yet?
i have noticed poor battery life after jailbreaking my iPhone 3GS. i used purplera1n.

on standby, my phone is fine. but when i wake it, almost everytime i lose 1% in battery life. i have SSH turned off in SBSettings, no bluetooth enabled, or anything that should be sucking the life out of it running in the background that i know of.

any ideas on this issue yet?

Thats about what I noticed. I could leave the phone on standby all night and not have any problems, but it seemed like I lost 1-2% of my battery every time I used it. I restored back to stock 3.0, hopefully the issue is fixed soon b/c I did like having the extra apps.
Thats about what I noticed. I could leave the phone on standby all night and not have any problems, but it seemed like I lost 1-2% of my battery every time I used it. I restored back to stock 3.0, hopefully the issue is fixed soon b/c I did like having the extra apps.

i originally restored to the BU of my 3G so i'm really surprised i haven't had any of the other issues i've been reading about regarding that.

i'll be keeping mine jailbroken until this issue is resolved. it takes too long to restore and my phone charges everywhere except when i'm at work anyway. so it losing a little bit doesn't really concern me that much. it's just nice to see i'm not the only one noticing this problem.
And people wonder why Apple is finicky about apps and not allowing for backgrounding and all that other hocus pocus. Lower battery life has always seemed to impact me when Jailbreaking. I think I will hold off on jailbreaking my 3G S until these reports die down a bit.
Battery issue here as well. Jailbreaking with either method on my 3GS causes constant drain. And this is with No additional software from cydia added. I have since reverted to a no JB state and power consumption is back to normal.
Battery issue here as well. Jailbreaking with either method on my 3GS causes constant drain. And this is with No additional software from cydia added. I have since reverted to a no JB state and power consumption is back to normal.

I finally jailbroke my 3G 3.0 phone and it too is draining fast. Down to 92% in 15 minutes of no usage. This is disappointing.
So you're saying either purplera1n/ dev team redsn0w affects the batt life until it's real bad? :( I'm expecting the phone battery to last at least a day or more.
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