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Not winterboard. I don't have it installed. and still have poor battery life.
Mine completly drained over night. Six hours to go from 78% to shutting down due to no power left. This was after adding the plist to allow the battery percentage on the 3G.
Mine completly drained over night. Six hours to go from 78% to shutting down due to no power left. This was after adding the plist to allow the battery percentage on the 3G.

wow. that's just ridiculous right there. i'm going to leave mine off the charger over night and see what happens. i don't think it's going to drain like that though. but i could be wrong.
Hrm....not sure if I'd classify this as a battery issue, but ever since Jailbreaking with redsn0w, my battery meter has been, well....insane?

Last night my battery percentage, in the span of 5 minutes, went from 20% to about 16%. Thing is....ten seconds later it went from 16% up to 21%, and despite staying at 21% for the next few minutes, for almost the next half hour every time I unlocked from the lock screen I'd get the 20% warning.

Just now my battery went from 89% to 91%, despite doing nothing with the phone.

Have to admit, I'm considering wiping back to clean and trying out purplera1n to see if that might act differently.
wow. that's just ridiculous right there. i'm going to leave mine off the charger over night and see what happens. i don't think it's going to drain like that though. but i could be wrong.

I restored the 3G and I have now tried Redsnow. After 20 minutes, the battery is still at 100%. All I have added so far is SBSetiings.

I don't even want to think about jailbreaking the 3G S yet, too much time wasted on this 3G.
Yeah, its slowing down my phone and my battery life is decreasing. I'm on the fence with this one. I think I'm going to uninstall Winterboard though.
Winterboard is crap, messes up your phone, drains battery, slows your phone down etc. Get rid of it. FYI, when I uninstalled it from my 3GS, my phone would no longer boot and I had to do a restore, so be warned.

Right now my 3GS has SBSettings, 5 icon dock, Statusnotifiers, Flashlight installed, and zero battery issues. Just use Purplera1n and be happy. It works flawlessly, takes no time to run it (under a minute), with zero negative side-effects.
All was going good on my 3G till I decided to restore the phone to my previous backup. That made my battery start losing a % every few minutes. Now restoring once more and gonna use Redsnow but this time, setup as new phone.

At least I discovered my problem now.
I'm just going to avoid anything that has to deal with MobileSubstrate, I'll leave all that crap on my iPod Touch 2G, and keep my iPhone clean :) for a year or so till I get bored of it
I'm just going to avoid anything that has to deal with MobileSubstrate, I'll leave all that crap on my iPod Touch 2G, and keep my iPhone clean :) for a year or so till I get bored of it

Do you carry both with you all the time? Because to me, jailbreaking, but avoiding mobilesubstrate is like saying you're into girls, but avoiding the Vagina. It's ok and all, but you're going to miss out on the best part. :)
Do you carry both with you all the time? Because to me, jailbreaking, but avoiding mobilesubstrate is like saying you're into girls, but avoiding the Vagina. It's ok and all, but you're going to miss out on the best part. :)

lol... well said
i found another issue after jailbreaking. i use my iPhone to play music in my car via usb. well, if i played a playlist and put it on repeat all, if i started my car up or disconnected my phone and reconnected it, the repeat all would be disabled.

because of that, i restored my phone to a new phone this time instead of reverting to a back up. i immediately noticed that my battery didn't drain as quickly as it did before, albeit it wasn't that big of a difference. so i can probably confirm that something is running in the background after jailbreaking.

i'm going to jailbreak once more using purplera1n (if i finish the theme i was working on) and report back later with any new findings. after i get everything SSh'ed to my phone, i'm removing everything that has to do with that, as this is what i believe is draining my battery, not winterboard.

also, anyone else notice that the iPhone now dims itself after 45 sec, and then auto-locks after another 15sec? this is with auto-lock set to 1min, naturally. has it always done this? i never noticed on my 3G. maybe it's something new with firmware 3.0 o_O
iPhone 3G here, picked up July 28th, 2008. Never had a problem with the phone until now.

I also have been having a problem after using redsn0w. Uninstalling sbsettings and pdanet helped a little bit, but battery life still sucks. It was down 28% after being off the charger for a total of 6 hours and roughly 40 minutes of normal usage over 3G (Facebook (~25 minutes), iMob (~5 minutes), some txting and various poking around). I know it's not as bad as some of yours are getting, but it's still way off from before the jailbreak.
hello all,

re-jailbroke my iPhone 3GS again with purplera1n, but this time on a clean install versus using a back-up. i haven't noticed any battery issues. i removed OpenSSH and automaticSSH this time after getting my theme on it.

the "play all" feature on the iPod disabling is confirmed to be a 3.0 firmware issue, as it would disable itself before i re-jailbroke it.

something i did notice, that i'm positive is a jailbreak problem, is that while i was getting my phone ready for the jailbreak, i had it plugged into my computer and it was fully charged, showing 100% and with the plug icon showing on the green batter. right after the jailbreak, all of a sudden my phone showed 100% but with the shock symbol, meaning the phone was charging. i let it sit until it showed 100% and the plug symbol again. as soon as i unplugged my phone, it went straight to 99%, right in front of my eyes. i used SBSettings to reboot. upon rebooting, my phone then showed 100%. i haven't noticed it doing the 99% to 100% thing again, but it does still go from being 100% with the plug symbol to 100% with the shock symbol all the time.

for instance...i went to sleep with my phone on the charger. woke up, it has 100% with plug symbol. put the phone on sleep, jumped in my car, plugged it up again, and then it said 100% with the shock symbol again.
so this is confirmed to be at least a jailbreaking issue with purplera1n. i wish i could notify geohot and get a response from him, but i'm sure he gets bombarded with messages all the time and would never reply.
3GS purplera1n

i ran the phone stock for about 2 weeks before i jailbroke it, and i can say that my experience has been the battery life is the same as it was before. The phone operates just as quickly as it did before as well.

Pre and Post jailbreak i can consistently get 16-17 hours of standby and 6-7 hours of 'usage'.
usage meaning a combination of 3G, Edge voice, 3G data and wifi data depending on where im at.

the usage above is the same performance i got stock.

NO winterboard

rotation inhibitor
quick dismiss
I'm a 1st generation (2G) iPhone user and just purchased the 3G S. For the first few iterations I just restore the backup from my 2G iPhone and the battery is like a thief running away from a police. It's like at least 1% of battery life is gone per minute. Nonetheless the "Usage" timer in the "Settings->About" keeps increasing even when I've locked the phone. I'm suspecting there's something in the background keep running and therefore draining the power.

Tonight I've tried to restore the OS again, without syncing my data back (i.e. did not restore from a backup) and used the WiFi to browse a few websites, let it slept for a while and the battery is still 100%. The usage timer stopped increasing while the phone is sleeping.

Then I've tried to sync all my data back (setting up a new phone, not restore) with "Push" on at "manual" interval and battery life still good. Then I JB the phone and still working good. Usage timer normal, battery power normal (after slept for 20 mins the battery level remains the same level).

So if you have this problem and you're restoring your backup from a previous iphone, try to restore the OS and set it up as a new phone. It may helps.
I did notice that SSH being tuned off in SBSettings seemed to help.

Turning SSH off seems to have taken care of my battery drain issue post-jailbreak as well. However, I don't even know what SSH is for! No complaints though, since I wasn't using it. Only performed jailbreak in order to unlock. Thanks for the tip, Excellerator!
Turning SSH off seems to have taken care of my battery drain issue post-jailbreak as well. However, I don't even know what SSH is for! No complaints though, since I wasn't using it. Only performed jailbreak in order to unlock. Thanks for the tip, Excellerator!

SSH allows you to connect to your phone via wifi with a program such as WinSCP on your computer. you are then able to view all files on your iPhone. it gives you more freedom to do things to your phone like change stock tones (ex. the "new mail", keyboard, sleep/wake sounds), modify themes, download themes from a browser and drag them over, etc etc.

the possibilities really become endless when you're able to SSH into your phone. only thing limiting you is the phone itself.
So if you have this problem and you're restoring your backup from a previous iphone, try to restore the OS and set it up as a new phone. It may helps.

Can you do this, but then get all your old app settings/ saved games back onto the phone by restoring a backup ON TOP OF the jailbroken OS? Or does this procedure completely prevent you from getting your old data back?
SSH allows you to connect to your phone via wifi with a program such as WinSCP on your computer. you are then able to view all files on your iPhone. it gives you more freedom to do things to your phone like change stock tones (ex. the "new mail", keyboard, sleep/wake sounds), modify themes, download themes from a browser and drag them over, etc etc.

the possibilities really become endless when you're able to SSH into your phone. only thing limiting you is the phone itself.

I agree, an ssh server is useful -- but that doesn't mean you have to leave the ssh daemon running all the time... on your phone.
did a little test on battery

did a battery test overnight,

iPhone 3GS 32GB
3G on
still locked
no winterboard
SSH off
WiFi off

charged to 98%

usage: 38mins
standby: 9:00hrs

and I got 85% left

does that sound normal?
Iphone 3gs jailbroken - battery lasts a lot when you kill hidden processes

My 3GS with 3.01 was jailbroken with redsn0w in a few minutes. The battery life was meager, less than 10hrs of standby, so thru Cydia I installed Sbsettings (great app) and monitored the processes. The iphone Process should always be running, but it happens that other processes seem to startup on their own, apparently when the iphone is turned on or when Synced with itunes. In my case I detected at times Ipod and Mail processes constantly on. If you kill them, (when not in use), from Sbsettings, the battery life increases about 4 times ! ;) I was going to return my iphone to Apple and now I have a long lasting battery as it should have always been. PD: Having the percentage battery indicator On made no difference to battery life.
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