hello all,
re-jailbroke my iPhone 3GS again with purplera1n, but this time on a clean install versus using a back-up. i haven't noticed any battery issues. i removed OpenSSH and automaticSSH this time after getting my theme on it.
the "play all" feature on the iPod disabling is confirmed to be a 3.0 firmware issue, as it would disable itself before i re-jailbroke it.
something i did notice, that i'm positive is a jailbreak problem, is that while i was getting my phone ready for the jailbreak, i had it plugged into my computer and it was fully charged, showing 100% and with the plug icon showing on the green batter. right after the jailbreak, all of a sudden my phone showed 100% but with the shock symbol, meaning the phone was charging. i let it sit until it showed 100% and the plug symbol again. as soon as i unplugged my phone, it went straight to 99%, right in front of my eyes. i used SBSettings to reboot. upon rebooting, my phone then showed 100%. i haven't noticed it doing the 99% to 100% thing again, but it does still go from being 100% with the plug symbol to 100% with the shock symbol all the time.
for instance...i went to sleep with my phone on the charger. woke up, it has 100% with plug symbol. put the phone on sleep, jumped in my car, plugged it up again, and then it said 100% with the shock symbol again.
so this is confirmed to be at least a jailbreaking issue with purplera1n. i wish i could notify geohot and get a response from him, but i'm sure he gets bombarded with messages all the time and would never reply.