I personally wish Apple had made two sizes of the iPhone 5, a 3.5" display and a larger display version for those who like big screens. Instead, they went with 4" 16:9, which in my opinion is too small to be a comfortable big screen phone and too large and long to be a comfortable small screen phone. The extra real estate for videos is nice, but I use my iPhone to watch tv shows maybe twice a year, I'd rather have a better screen size for everything else.
For me, the 3.5" display was perfect and as such I am disappointed in the iPhone 5. Sadly, there are no other phones on the market with such a display size, so iPhone 5 is still the best solution for me. I wouldn't want a larger phone. The screen size aside, I love the iPhone 5--I'd just love it more if it was 3.5" and still 3:2.
That said, trying to group everyone into a one size fits all scenario isn't going to work. iPhone normal size and iPhone super-size could have been a smart move.