Tig useing this wallpaper n color can you use the a's logo below and put it on this green wallpaper? Thanks
A's logo for above wallpaper
sure thing...
Tig useing this wallpaper n color can you use the a's logo below and put it on this green wallpaper? Thanks
A's logo for above wallpaper
Tigg can you take the letters n make green n gold around em like the a's logo? Everything else same
Tigger can you take this cubs wallpaper and transfer it on to this blue wallpaper? And make thr cubs logo a little bigger
Blue wall
You welcome Tiggger, and thanks for Flyers![]()
Can you make some changes on Wild wallpapers? If you can put just TM from this Wild wordmark on wallpaper without wordmark?
And if you can put also same TM from Wild above, on this Wild wallpaper instead of white TM.
And if i can get one Canes from this wallpapers, just without Twitter in corner![]()
Tigger can you take this image and put this on a green wallpaper like the color it's on now? 640x1136 fitthank you kindly good sir!!
Can someone resize this to fit? Much appreciated
Thanks Tiggger, it's really great work
Is ti a problem to make some small changes on Flyers wallpaper? Can you put this smaller orange circle from blacker Flyers wallpaper instead of current on 2nd Flyers wallpaper? To be on the same place?
And if you can make small change on this one...also circle to be, in the middle, like on blacker Flyers wallpaper. It would mean a lot to me.![]()
640x1136 version...
Tigg can u remove the athletics.com at bottom