Tiggger can you make DRW winter classic wallpaper like you did with NYR on top of 74 page? Just without coolar and without shoelaces? Here's the logo to put on backgorund and the jersey for example.
Tiggger can you make DRW winter classic wallpaper like you did with NYR on top of 74 page? Just without coolar and without shoelaces? Here's the logo to put on backgorund and the jersey for example.
Thank you Tiggger, soooo perfect! Can you change just one thing? Can you make the background does not look like flag? To be straight, without these waves? Hm...and maybe without these stripes above the logo...i'm thinking...wait...make with them.
Tigg can i get some new york wallpapers like this one as a example? Rangers and yankees but maybe have sume statue of liberty or something in there.. You can do your own ideas... Thanks
Thanks Tiggger, very classy from you. Can you just little resize this two logos?
Could the picture please be resized to fit parallax.
Many thanks
Tigger can you make me a ip5 wall useing this dark green wall ios style like the yankees n cubs and make the a's logo like this? The white a's and gold behind it! Thanks tigger
Can you do the last 3 pics just with Yankees logo
I like these a lot
Tiggger can you resize Panthers logo on red background? To be like panther on blue background?
Looks great tigger i just need one request replace them both with this background