I am currently using the iphone 4 32gb and it was my first experience with iOS, and i loved it and was convinced i wasnt going to use anything else. But with all these awesome android phones out on the market now such as the samsung galaxy s3 or the samsung galaxy note 2. jelly bean looks awesome and ios6 is just getting stale for me, ive have my iphone 4 since release and with two ios updates it hasnt changed enough for me to want to stay. i really like the gs3 and the note 2, ive seen reviews and most people initially say the screen size of the note 2 is way too big but after theyve gotten used to it they say they could never switch to anything smaller. i have an ipad 2, so im not looking for a tablet replacement, i use my phone a lot during the day, doing a lot of internet browsing, txting, emails and some games and video. should i try android for the first time? and if so worth going with the note 2 or go for the gs3?