5 colored variations...
Awesome! Thanks! Could I maybe get something a little more greenish?
5 colored variations...
could you put a white just do it nike logo on this please.maybe some other different color variations in the nike logo too...thanks
Awesome! Thanks! Could I maybe get something a little more greenish?
5 greenish ones...
Can someone blur these ? Thanks
Awesome thanks a ton!
How about some red ones...
Can someone blur these ? Thanks
And this
Awesome.could you put a black Nike logo on this please.Two variations just like the first one
Could you also shrink the this Nike logo to the same size as the others you just made
here's four Yankee walls...
Gracias senior.But could you put a just do it on this please
Hey tiggger,
I have four walls I was hoping I could get adjusted:
1) Dino shrunken just a tad and moved up to the center.
2) Bruce centered and middle line moved slightly down so that it's even.
3) Bond slightly shrunken and the gunbarrel lines removed. (If removing the lines affects the colour of the rest of the background, just leave them in).
4) Iron Man shrunken slightly and just his body on the blue background (without the circle and squiggly line).
If these edits could be made, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you as always!
Can you possibly do an iP5 version of this
2 hard grafts...
Can you make the peel back transparent ones for Lakers or Syracuse basketball?