Can someone format for ip5
2 of von miller...
Can someone format for ip5
Yes that one thanks.
Thanks that's great!I mean with the red lions picture could you make the stuff coming up from the bottom black instead of red.Also with the lion bigger and centered please.And if it's not too much too ask could you do the same with the red one with writing.I won't ask for anymore for a while
Please os x maverix text and logo delete,add to apple logo,tigger
does anyone have one of the iPhone 5C stock wallpapers coloured in the same red used in the new YouTube icon? I'd really like to get my hands on one. With the same type of fading effect if possible. Thanks in advance!
here's an option...
is there any way to make it a little darker at the top so it isn't quite so pink towards the bottom?
Hi, was just wondering if anyone could edit the default Northern Lights/Aurora wallpaper that comes with iOS 7 to change the green to red?
Any help is appreciated.
little darker...
this the one?
this the one?
little darker...
Penn State...