Here you go.
I used an app called blurart.
Could somebody change this with different shades of gold for a Gold iPhone 5s! Thanks in advance!
@tiggger I was wondering if you could do an illinois basketball version of the mizzou basketball one? Please and thank you!
2 shades...
Tigger can you do this one for me please!
today's chicago storms mix with tornados all around the area.
Thanks, Tiggger!! Could you make the background a navy blue also could you do a blur lock screen version of the attached picture also in navy blue? Thank you very much
Hi Tiggger,
I just bought a blue iPhone 5c and I noticed that the wallpaper that came by default, the one on the sticker of the box and the one from the Apple video are completely different. I want the one from the box and from the video, would you help me with that?
Thanks in advance
Thanks, Tiggger those are awesome!!!navy blue options, not sure what you wanted with the blurred lock screen...
You rock! Thank you!!
Can someone please resize this for both the iPad and iPhone 5S. Thanks in advance.