2 mario walls...
This was requested a good while back... Any luck with this?
Hi tigger can I get these 2 for iPhone 5s but just regular size without the words thanks in advance
Number 2
Can someone add the parallax effect?
These look fantastic! Thanks tiggger!
If you have some time, would it be possible to get a few more darker grey background options with the same pattern as well? Thanks a bunch!
Sorry forgot you can't quote images.
Is it possible to get a white\silver apple logo in the middle of this?
Parallax effect?
if someone can make these iPhone 5 (parallax?) I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you so much!!
Hey tiggger,
A last request on these ones. Would it be possible to make versions with Mario enlarged by about 25-30%? I lose the image quality when if I simply zoom in.
Many thanks if this can be done, although you've done more than enough on this request.
Can someone edit these for iPhone 5?