Could you make this into a wallpaper like the next pic I post please!!!?
Like this
Can this one be done for iPhone 5S and iPad (Retina)? Thanks! I have 2 more that I will post separately (can't upload multiple images via iPad)
One more
Thx Tiggger! Truly appreciated! One thing I noticed was the second one the "I" and the "y" are cut off a bit on the sides. Is there a way to fix that a little? Others look great. Thx again!
If you turn reduce motion on it will be a full image
Can anyone plzzzzz resize this for me?
Thx Tiggger! Truly appreciated! One thing I noticed was the second one the "I" and the "y" are cut off a bit on the sides. Is there a way to fix that a little? Others look great. Thx again!
I was wondering if it is possible to take the outline off of this and the zakk wylde of too. So just the guitar and black label society logo is all that's left. Thank you in advance.
Can you lower the car in this picture down about an inch? Thanks
Hi tiggger,
Is this one big enough for iOS 7 wallpaper? Thanks for your time!!
Please could u remove the brown dock , thanks