Like this?
Is it possible to get this image of Rossi centered in the lock screen of an iPhone 5S? Thanks!
Could you put a notre dame logo on this field fit for iphone 5 and one with a fighting Irish logo on the same field also iphone 5 size please?
Can I get the bottom of this faded to grey or white??
rossi - notre dame...
Thanks. Could you do separate ones. Like one with just the notre dame logo and one with just fighting Irish logo please?
Thanks. Could you do separate ones. Like one with just the notre dame logo and one with just fighting Irish logo please?
Can I get the bottom of this faded to grey or white??
Please could someone raise the shark so its just above the bottom menu bar/apps.
Only slightly as at the moment just the very bottom of the tail is hidden.
And resize for iPhone 5.
Many thanks.
Would anyone be willing to work some magic with these?
Here you go.
Tigger can I get this optimized for iPhone 5s regular thanks in advance
Thanks, bottom faded to gray please